Chapter 29: The Hostess of Envy.

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Box 15 Will Change - Everything Fantasy

"Ok, here's the plan everyone!" Leprechaun declared as the team rushed through the maze, "Kirie's security will be looking all over the Palace for us, so we beeline it straight to the treasure, smash through any Shadows that get in our way, grab the treasure and get the hell out!"

"Quite a plan!" Razor remarked, "not sure why I was ever worried!"

"We're gonna have to hustle!" Sleuth cried, "it's a good thing Usami took notes of our route to the center! It's a lot easier navigating through the labyrinth the second time around!"

"You're most welcome!" Usami winked.

"Here we come Mom...!" Mozart grinned with determination, "your reign of terror ends today!"

However, this bravado and determination were cut heavily short by a rather significant setback. The Phantom Thieves finally got to the center of the maze to claim their prize...Only to find that said prize was NOT THERE!

"What!?" Usami spluttered, "wh-where's the treasure!?"

"It can't be!?" Leprechaun exclaimed, "it was right there! What happened to it!?"

"Do you think Kirie moved it?" Sleuth suggested.

"Guys! Look! Up there!"

Mozart's cry caused all her teammates to look up to the ceiling high above them. They saw a gleam of something round and shiny slowly ascending upwards from a crane. The cable carried the ball through a hatch in the ceiling and closed once it passed through.

"Is that...A Disco Ball?" Mozart tilted her head, confused.

"There's no doubt about it! That's the treasure!" Usami asserted, "I recognize it's scent!"

"Welp! There goes our genius plan!" Razor scoffed, throwing her arms up to heaven.

"Then I guess we've gotta do what we always do!" Highwayman cocked her gun, "Improvise!"

"If my memory serves me correctly, just above this maze area is the center stage hall where everyone is gathered for important events at a gala," Sleuth contemplated, "the treasure is probably heading there!"

"Which means Kirie's Shadow will be there too...!" Leprechaun growled, "dammit! She must be taking it away from here so she can keep a close eye on it!

"That makes sense, unfortunately. Mom said herself she wasn't about to let anyone put our show at risk," Mozart clenched her spear, "looks like she plans to hold her special event preemptively to stop us from pulling our heist off...!"

"If that's really the case, then I'm afraid we only have one more option," Usami frowned, "we have to confront Akamatsu's Shadow head-on, and forcefully take the treasure from her hands. If we don't, the real Akamatsu might do something similar, and force Mozart's recital to happen earlier!"

"Sounds good, but we'll still need to find a way to take her by surprise..." Highwayman considered, "we need to think of a backup plan, and quickly."

"Oh, I don't think we need to worry," Mozart winked, "I've got us covered."

"You've got something?" Razor crossed her arms, "let's hear it!"

"Well, let me just put it this way," the pianist grinned, "if that woman's gonna pull this off, there's one big piece of the puzzle she still needs...!"

Tension - Persona 5

With everything to lose and not a moment to spare, the Phantom Thieves split up as soon as they navigated their way back through the maze and to the floor above. Mozart rushed off on her own, while the rest of the Thieves rushed into the party zone.

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