Chapter 56: The High-Jump of Life

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Beautiful Lie - Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony

By the time Monomi found the rest of the Phantom Thieves, the events had already started up again, and the Egg and Spoon Race had already come and gone.

Makoto had watched the event after bringing Nagito back into the fray, and if nothing else, his presence had certainly made the event interesting.

Through some sort of miracle halfway through his egg and spoon run, a baby bird had HATCHED from his egg! And it had taken flight no sooner than it had burst out of the shell.

Though Makoto knew to sort of expect this absurdity from Nagito's luck, it had done well in getting the audience excited. Unfortunately, it also meant Chiaki's class ended up coming in last place since Nagito had to run back and get another egg before continuing.

But from how Nagito described his talent, it would only be a matter of time until his luck came back around. So now, Makoto had gone with him to the gymnasium to watch him have a go at the table tennis tournament.

The event was simple enough. Unlike the rest of the sports, this one wasn't a team event and thus wasn't divided up by class. Which meant that classmates could be pitted against each other in the bracket depending on how it turned out. Whoever won each game would be allowed to go forward.

Aside from Nagito, Junko, Celeste, and Hifumi from his class were participating in the event, as was Shuichi. Kaede had promised to come and cheer for him, but something had come up, and she said she was going to be late to the show, so Makoto arrived to support Shuichi in her place until then. Meanwhile, Monomi waited for him to show up at the gym, hopped into his bag, and explained what had happened.

"I see...Well, as long as he's safe..." Makoto considered, "I can't imagine what he's thinking right now. All this must be so overwhelming.

"He's definitely on the paranoid side, but he's stable enough," Monomi explained, "secretly, I still think he's paranoid about what he might say to Chiaki-chan when they reunite. Even though he already said his piece, I imagine it won't be easy for them to be around each other like they used to be..."

"HEY! WOAH! Slow down there!"

Makoto and his bunny-buddy's attention was turned back to the game as the first round concluded. In the corner of the room, they spotted Celeste at her table, having just duked it out with Miu Iruma from Kaede and Shuichi's class, whom had devised a...peculiar strategy for victory.

Miu, without anybody realizing in time to stop her, put on a pair of advanced robotic gloves that improved her accuracy and reflexes, giving her a decisive advantage at the table. Celeste appeared relieved rather than irritated, even though Miu had easily won the game and completely controlled due to her technology.

"Hoo-yeah! I could land every serve in my sleep like this! Man, it sure is tough to be a genius like me!" she boasted, spitting out something gross as she cackled haughtily, "Hope you like a face full of balls!"

"Your inventions really are sublime. Thank you for ending the match so quickly," Celeste bowed courteously, "Swinging around a racket and getting sweaty does not suit my image."

"Wow! Go figure! Someone who actually gives a shit," Miu smirked, "and hey, same here! As if I'd really work up a sweat during the day by exercising!"

"Woah! Hold on! Time out!" Mahiru Koizumi exclaimed. She was playing on the table next to theirs, against Angie Yonaga, the Ultimate Artist, and another one of the first-year students.

"Huh, this strange invention of yours is a clear demonstration of your talent..." Angie commented, " is also a clear violation of the rules. If you put it away now, Atua will forgive you."

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