Chapter 81: Vengeance Smells Like Lavender

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Underground Trial (Instrumental Mix) - Vetrom

An hour passed, and the tension in the Kirigiri Detective Agency was palpable. Komaru, Toko, Hajime, Chiaki, Shuichi, Kaede, and Monomi were all once again gathered in Kyoko's office, alongside Kujo and Tachibana. The room was filled with an anxious energy as they awaited Kyoko's arrival.

The lavender-haired detective herself was in the main hall of the KDA, preparing to deliver the news. As she approached the office, she felt her heartbeat rise.

"Here we go..." she murmured and opened the door.

The Phantom Thieves' eyes were on her immediately, their expressions tense and expectant, and Kyoko met their gaze with a somber stare. She knew the news she had to deliver would not be taken well, but there was no other choice.

As Kyoko entered the room, Monomi looked up at her, a grave expression on her face. Before she even said hello, Komaru was the first one to speak.

"Where is my brother?"

"Be patient," was Kyoko's immediate retort, "If this goes well, we're about to find out."

Komaru bit her lip, and Kyoko sighed, knowing her frustration was warranted.

"You sure don't sound like you're eager to find out," Kaede remarked with a scowl, "Do you even know where Makoto is?"

"I can't tell you where he is. Not yet," Kyoko responded, her tone unwavering, "but like I said, assuming this goes well, we will find the truth soon enough."

"Kaede, stop," Shuichi raised his voice, "Kyoko-sama has done the most work out of anyone here to find Makoto. It's unfair to-"

"Yeah! Because she actively PREVENTED US from doing anything!" Kaede shot back, her voice rising, "She didn't even tell us the full details about Makoto's case until yesterday, and she didn't even let us go investigate. What did you think would happen, Kyoko-SAMA?"

Kyoko's body was still as she felt the glares of the group on her. She sighed and pinched her forehead, closing her eyes in contemplation.

"If you are looking for an apology, I'm not giving you one," Kyoko said.

"Why not?" Toko growled, her nails digging into her palms, "Even if this is just part of your job, you could at least apologize to Komaru for leaving her in the dark, alone and afraid."

Kyoko sighed and shook her head.

"If I had apologized, it would not have solved anything. All it would do is distract us from our goal," Kyoko explained, her eyes sharpening, "The point is, the past is the past. I've asked you all here because we've made immense progress in the investigation."

"Meaning?" Hajime asked.

"Okiri is bringing over a suspect as we speak," she said, "and I do believe, after taking everything into account, I do believe I know who is the real mastermind behind Makoto's kidnapping."

The group looked stunned.

"Really!?" Komaru's eyes lit up, "Who? Who did it!?"

"You're sure about this?" Hajime asked, "I don't want to be a buzzkill, but you better be damn certain this guy is the real deal."

"Trust me, I am. We have a solid lead," Kyoko answered, a confident smile gracing her face, "We just have to wait for-"

But as she was saying that, the door to the room was kicked open, and Okiri stormed in, dragging a handcuffed Hizo Ryu behind him.

Class Trial [Future] - Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc

The ferryman's face was pale with fear, his eyes darting nervously around the room. Kujo and Tachibana, who followed Okiri in and supported him with restraining the prisoner.

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