Love Is Paradise - Danganronpa S: Ultimate Summer Camp
"So your grandfather raised you, and it turned out that he was making you live a lie for all those years of your life? Woo! What a plot twist! I'm...really sorry to hear that though. I hope you're doing a lot better. But wow...a puppet theater. I've always wanted to go to one of those places, but never really got the chance. Same goes for a gala, but then again, not many people have the chance to go to a gala. I bet you guys could go. You're special and important. Speaking of special, I can't believe that there are already two Ultimate Detectives in Hope's Peak, and they're part of the same group of vigilantes! Lucky Students I get. You know, it's kind of weird we didn't end up getting another one this year. Did Hope's Peak just decide to ditch that idea after a while? Did they run out of slots? There are just so many characters to keep track of! Is it any wonder that not all of them get time in the limelight? Wait...Sorry, what was my original question again?"
The ride across the bridge to the central island turned out to be a lot more...eventful this time.
Tedious was another word for it.
It was rather unexpected, especially given both the portrayal of Izuru and what they had heard of Hajime Hinata's original personality so far, but to the Phantom Thieves' dismay, the guy just would NOT STOP TALKING! He had an innate curiosity about everything that made him seem as inquisitive as a cat.; so much so that the Phantom Thieves believed they may have to recount their entire life stories by the time this Palace excursion was done.
It was to be expected. Within the world of the Palace, Shadow Hajime had been stuck on the island by himself, having to fend off the monsters all alone for a very long time. And in the real world, the real Hajime had been subjugated into the prison of his own mind for almost 3 years; not even mentioning that Kamukura spent most of his days hiding away in the underground lab with little to no contact with the outside world.
So he couldn't be faulted. Unfortunately, answering so many questions risked burning the Phantom Thieves out before they even MADE IT to the island. Razor, her eyes blinking independently of each other, nudged Highwayman's shoulder.
"Highwayman...It's your turn...guuugh..." she groaned.
"You were asking us about our outfits..." Highwayman sighed, rubbing her eyes and letting her fingers slide down her nose.
"Oh, riiiight! Sorry, got sidetracked!" Shadow Hajime beamed, "Love what you've done with your suits. Where'd you get your inspiration? How come you're not wearing one, "Kyoko-sama?" You not part of the club?"
"Again...Kirigiri is fine," Kyoko huffed, "and I'm sorry, but do you think you could hold off on the questions for the time being? It's hard to concentrate in this heat."
The annoying questioning then gave way to an awkward silence. Kyoko's straightforwardness was enough to get him to shut up and curl up in the back of the Usamobile. Even Kyoko looked a little bit guilty for being so straightforward and brutally honest with him.
"Sorry..." Shadow Hajime sighed, "I just figured since we were on a road trip anyway, now was the best time to ask the questions that I had. I guess I didn't consider that I was being annoying."
"It's not you that's being annoying."
"It's not?"
"Shut up Razor," Leprechaun snapped, "he's been stuck on this island for almost 3 years."
"Feels like I've been stuck in this conversation for 3 years!" Razor spat. Leprechaun chose to ignore her and turned his head to Hajime.
"Look. It's just that this whole Palace atmosphere is getting to us. It may be nice, refreshing, and sunny out, but coupled with how much work this is turning out to be is putting us a little on edge. We're used to trouble, but we've never gone through THIS much trouble. And to make matters worse, a lot's on the line this time. We can't afford to let this go by, so we're trying our best not to let ourselves get too worn out or distracted before the real mission begins."

Phantom Thieves of Hope - A Danganronpa X Persona 5 Story.
Fanfiction"Makoto Naegi is the Ultimate Lucky Student as the esteemed school of Hope's Peak Academy. Now beginning his second year with little to no problems, Makoto's life is turned upside down when he discovers a cognitive realm known as the Metaverse. Thro...