Tokyo Daylight - Persona 5
"Hey guys..." Komaru said, "not to just bring this out of nowhere, but I'm starting to think we need a new hideout."
The other thieves turned to look at her.
"Not saying I'm against the idea...but why?" Makoto asked.
"I've kind of just realized..." Komaru took a bite out of the apple her mother had prepared for lunch, "the Phantom Thieves hype hasn't died down as fast as I thought it would. Yeah, maybe people have already started to move on with their lives, but we're still pretty popular. Honestly, having our hideout in a public place like the park just invites trouble. Besides, who's to say someone else won't claim this bench in the future? Then what do we do?"
"Huh..." Toko raised her eyebrows, "that's actually impressive thinking...for you, Komaru..."
"A-why...thank you..." Komaru gave a dramatic bow, either not listening to the latter part of this sentence or just choosing to ignore it.
"I agree. The more famous we get, the more local authorities will be out for us as well," Shuichi chimed in, "did you have anywhere in mind?"
"Well, if I did, I would have said so," Komaru shrugged, "I was thinking your uncle's agency though. It's cozy enough, right?"
"Not happening," Shuichi shot her down immediately, "the SDA is an office, remember? Yes, it's where we live, but we started hiring our old agents back again. Would you really want the Phantom Thieves to share an abode with detectives?"
"Oh, you have? That's nice to hear!" Monomi squeaked, "but yes, it's not ideal in that case."
"If not the SDA, what about the KDA?" Makoto suggested, "I'm sure Kyoko could give us a private study there to talk if we ask her..."
"Would she though?" Toko pursed her lips. Makoto sighed.
"Yeah, okay, maybe not..." he admitted, "our house isn't ideal either. With Kotoko-chan living under our roof, we'd be taking up far too much room. Even with the 1,000,000 yen I gave my mom, I don't want her to feel pressured to keep cooking for us."
"I suppose we should table the issue for now then," Shuichi stated, "though I am surprised. The Phantom Thieves became more famous than I imagined."
"Well, we took down a famous entrepreneur company and an ace detective back-to-back. Not only did we deal a blow to the economy, but we exposed corruption in the height of the Japanese police and security forces," Toko closed the book she was reading, "all things considered, Towa and Kirigiri were two very big targets to start with. Maybe a little TOO big..."
"Well, thanks to Chihiro-chan, we've got lots of smaller targets to deal with as well," Komaru's brow furrowed excitedly as she took out her phone, "so what say you guys? Do you feel like a little subway surfing right now?"
"You mean you want to go to Mementos?" Toko clarified. Komaru nodded.
"Ah...sorry..." Makoto waved a hand, "I'm actually busy today. There's something I needed to do."
"Aw, really? Too bad..." Komaru pouted.
"Don't feel too bad, Komaru-chan," Monomi perked up, "maybe you can do something else? Did you have any outstanding arrangements you could finish in the meantime?"
"Hm...Let me think..." Komaru pondered, "Oh! I know! You're free, right Toko?"
"Huh?" Toko lifted her head, "w-well, I mean...I need to make sure I grab supplies for our school trip, but..."
"School trip?" Shuichi parroted.
"Oh yeah, I forgot to mention!" Makoto recalled, "Class 77 and 78 are both going on field trips for some social studies thing next week. We'll be gone for like...two days."

Phantom Thieves of Hope - A Danganronpa X Persona 5 Story.
Fanfiction"Makoto Naegi is the Ultimate Lucky Student as the esteemed school of Hope's Peak Academy. Now beginning his second year with little to no problems, Makoto's life is turned upside down when he discovers a cognitive realm known as the Metaverse. Thro...