Monster that Shouts Its Love in the Center of Hell - Danganronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls
"Alright! Highwayman, Razor, Lab-Rat! You three take the front with me!" Leprechaun commanded, "Mozart, Sleuth, Usami; you three stick to the rear and fire from a distance! Sandbox, take to the skies and get me an analysis!"
Makoto delivered these instructions quickly as the group spread out around the chamber. He, Hajime, Toko and Komaru stood at the front, with Shuichi, Kaede, Chiaki, and Monomi standing further behind them. Chiaki jumped into the air and summoned her Persona, hovering above the battlefield and quickly doing her scan.
"I see it!" she called out, "The Shadow resists Ice attacks! And it's invulnerable to Physical attacks and Curse spells!"
"Any weaknesses!?" Lab-Rat asked, readying himself for a fight. Sandbox's visor turned dour and gray.
"None," she called back.
"Fine...Let's just hit him with everything we've got then," Leprechaun declared, "No mercy!"
"Alright, then..." Razor growled, "Bring it!"
Lab-Rat was the first to charge forward, with the rest of the team close behind. He raised his sword to deliver a downward swing, only for the Shadow to block the strike with one of its massive claws. He flung the boy back, who aimed at him with his gauntlet guns, and started firing.
However, true to what Sandbox had told him, the bullets bounced off Shadow Tsumura like they were made of foam. The demon merely sneered and swiped its hand. The blow hit the ground next to Lab-Rat and sent him flying through the air.
Mozart was able to catch him before he crashed and lowered him back to the ground.
"You good?" she asked.
"For now I am," he wiped his forehead.
"You think that paltry excuse for an attack is enough to phase me!?" Tsumura shrieked, "WHAT A JOKE!"
"Barrow!" Razor swiped off her mask and summoned her Persona, "Ziodyne that asshole!"
A massive burst of lightning magic came down from the sky and hit Tsumura's shadow. He let out a shriek of agony as the lightning burned his flesh, but when the light died down, he remained standing.
"You little-!" he growled, "that settles it! I'm going to kill everybody you love, Komaru Naegi, starting with your GIRLFRIEND!"
"Try it, asshat..." Razor, unafraid, beckoned him on.
The Shadow raised its hand, and a dark cloud swirled around its claws. Suddenly, a blast of dark magic came shooting out and hit Razor in the chest, knocking her back.
Highwayman, distracted by his threat, snapped back just in time to cast out her lasso and catch Razor before she could collide with the wall, pulling her back over.
Tsumura, seeing his opportunity, shot out his claws and grabbed Komaru by the leg, flinging her over his head and into the ground, hard. She let out a scream, and her lasso fell out of her hand.
"KOMARU!" Makoto cried.
"Ooh, ouch, that looks like it hurt!" Tsumura teased, "How unfortunate...You're weak after all!"
"Shut...up...!" Komaru growled, "PARKEERR!"
Parker was summoned, and while it was unable to hurt Tsumura, it succeeded in pushing the Shadow off of Highwayman. The Persona let some bullets fly, but the bullets, like the ones that Lab-Rat had fired, did nothing.

Phantom Thieves of Hope - A Danganronpa X Persona 5 Story.
Fanfiction"Makoto Naegi is the Ultimate Lucky Student as the esteemed school of Hope's Peak Academy. Now beginning his second year with little to no problems, Makoto's life is turned upside down when he discovers a cognitive realm known as the Metaverse. Thro...