Chapter 11: Lil' Ultimate Heartbreak

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My Homie - Persona 5

"Saihara?" Komaru parroted, "that name sounds...familiar..."

"Oh! I remember!" Makoto explained, "yeah, that was you! You look...different, from how I imagined."

"My apologies if I disappointed you..." the boy seemed quiet and somewhat meek. Even though he spoke with such formality, it seemed he couldn't bring himself to look Makoto or his friends in the eye.

"Hm...Yeah, but that's not just it..." Komaru pondered, "maybe I'm just imagining things."

"You're really an Ultimate in th-the first year?" Toko stammered, "you seem s-super shady!"

"Fukawa-san, don't be rude." Makoto snapped.

"No, it's ok," Shuichi assured them "my appearance does give that impression. Allow me to introduce myself more formally..."

Shuichi gently bowed in respect.

"My name is Shuichi Saihara. I'm a first-year student at Hope's Peak Academy, attending as the new Ultimate Detective. I currently live with my Uncle, the head detective of the Saihara Detective Agency. Though I'm currently studying under Fuhito Kirigiri of the Kirigiri Detective Agency..."

"Oh! So you also grew up as a PI?" Makoto asked. Shuichi shook his head.

"Not quite. I don't nearly have as much experience in major cases as Kirigiri-sama..."

"Kirigiri-sama!?" Toko repeated, "are you talking about Kyoko...!?"

"Just my way of referring to her. You're in her class, yes? She's Kirigiri-sama and her grandfather is Kirigiri-sensei. It's how I differentiate the two," he explained, "and I admire her a lot so..."

"Well, why not Kirigiri-senpai?" Komaru asked. Shuichi shrugged.

"I just believe she deserves more respect than that?"

He suddenly became acutely aware of the situation, and his eyes widened in panic.

"Oh god! I-I'm sorry! You were probably on your way somewhere and I distracted you! M-My apologies!"

"N-No, don't worry!" Makoto assured him, "we were just on our way to hang out at the park. We're not in any rush!"

"Makoto's right. You don't have to be like that," Komaru gave him an affectionate thumbs up, "by the way, we forgot to do introductions ourselves. I'm Komaru Naegi, Makoto's little sister. And this is my best friend, Toko Fukawa."

"Yes...A pleasure to meet you, Naegi-san, Fukawa-senpai..." he nodded, "I really must apologize for being such a waste of space..."

"Man...he REALLY doesn't have good self-esteem, does he?" Toko remarked.

"You're one to talk, Toko..." Komaru made a good point, "seriously though, I'm telling you, you don't have to be so down on yourself. You really didn't do anything wrong."

"I'm afraid that kind of thing goes in through one ear and out the other for Shuichi," another voice joined their conversation, "believe me, I've tried to work him out, but he's thoroughly stuck in that mud."

Everyone looked over to see someone approaching them. The voice belonged to a middle-aged man with faded blue, spiky hair. He had tired, pale, slanted eyes, but a warm smile.

"Uncle!" Shuichi greeted him, clearly not expecting him to be there.

"Sorry. I just finished up. Turns out it took a lot less time to find them than I expected," the man said, "who might these people be?"

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