Last Surprise - Persona 5
"So let me get this straight..." Highwayman asked, blasting her way through several incoming enemies, "Shuichi's classmate is willing to provide you with grappling hooks in exchange...for what exactly?"
"To be honest, I don't actually know...He didn't go into details at the time, but he did hand over the grappling hooks as discussed. I didn't even have to pay for them. HAAH!" Leprechaun replied, running his fist through another Shadow.
The team had returned to Kirigiri's Palace the following afternoon. It was the first chance that they had to meet up since the previous day, and as Makoto had told Shuichi, they were going to head right in as soon as they did. Now inside another auditorium and fighting an array of enemy Shadow guards, Makoto was only now telling his sister and his other teammates the story.
"Seriously though Leprechaun," she spoke, while not breaking focus from whipping the enemies in front of her with her lasso, "how do you even meet these people? And how come you can just become friends with them despite everything?"
"I'm a second year at Hope's Peak, sis," Leprechaun reminded her, "I think I'm pretty used to living among lions by now. Also, friend? Making a LOT of assumptions right now..."
"Highwayman! Shadow on your six!" Razor suddenly exclaimed.
Highwayman spun around to see a Hua Po right in her face, ready to blast her with a flaming attack!
However, before it had a chance, it was suddenly obliterated as a speeding bullet smashed through its head!
Highwayman turned in the direction the bullet came from and saw their new teammate perched comfortably on top of the stage's catwalk, aiming his sniper rifle.
"Thanks for that Sleuth!" she called out, giving him a thumbs up, "keep watching my back, will ya!?"
"If I may be so bold, Highwayman, I believe it would be best for you to target the Mokoi's and the Hua Po's," he said, reloading his weapon, "your Persona has control over wind attacks, which the former doesn't seem to deal with well. Flying enemies are typically weak to gunfire since you clip their wings with the bullets. So try and use your moves sparingly."
"You hear that, Highwayman?" Toko smirked, "the newbie's telling you how to do your job!"
"I'm not telling her how to do anything!" Shuichi flustered, "I-I'm just offering some advice for her so that she doesn't die!"
"Psh...She's just messing with us, dude!" Highwayman explained.
"Alright, that's enough of that," Usami interjected, "we should be lucky to have Sleuth and his analytical ability. It'll help us tackle Shadow's much easier!"
"Thank you very much, Usami-sensei," Shuichi nodded, firing another bullet straight through the head of another enemy, killing it instantly, "I promise that I'll continue to make use of myself!"
"I told you to drop the formalities, buddy," Highwayman called out, "but man, you're REALLY good with that!"
"I told you I would perform much better from the rear," Sleuth smiled down at her, "although I did bring that baton, as requested, just in case."
"Well, good, because you might have to use it!" Leprechaun shouted, "incoming Shadow on your left!"
Sleuth lurched to his feet as he saw the incoming Corpse Bird Shadow fly towards him. It soared in and spat a burst of violent flames towards him, to which he backflipped to avoid it. As the Bird soared in for seconds, he grabbed his baton and smacked it around the face, knocking it back!

Phantom Thieves of Hope - A Danganronpa X Persona 5 Story.
Fanfiction"Makoto Naegi is the Ultimate Lucky Student as the esteemed school of Hope's Peak Academy. Now beginning his second year with little to no problems, Makoto's life is turned upside down when he discovers a cognitive realm known as the Metaverse. Thro...