Mission finding ☄️

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In Taehyung's room -
He came back in his room and locked the door behind him. He came fastly towards his bed and grab a pillow and throw it towards the mirror. Everything which was on the table under the mirror fell on the floor along with his glass bottle of perfume.

Tae: Arghh.... *he shouts* Why can't I sleep peacefully for oneday atleast? What's the problem with her? What she wants from me? Am I not allowed to live or sleep peacefully in my own house now? Oh no no... This isn't my house, right! It's only hers. She can do anything but I can't. Because I'm like a guest living in someone's house. This can never be my house *his eyes are full red due to so much anger* I fvcking hate living here with someone like her. Nevermind, just let me find myself a good job. I'll move away from the fvcking hell *he said and stomps his feet on the floor*

Then after arguing with himself for a few minutes he went back to his bed and tried to fall asleep again. It takes few minutes to fall asleep but not much that he again fell asleep.

Time skips to next day -
Taehyung wake up early today as he remembered what he said to that young boy that he will make his life a living hell.
He wakes up and went down to eat his breakfast before leaving.

Tae: Mom, give me my breakfast. I'm getting late *he said to his mom who was having her own breakfast while checking some files*
Tae: Mom? *he called again as she didn't replied him at first* I said give me the breakfast, I'm getting late.
Tae's mom: Are you ordering me? *looked at him*
Tae: What? *disbelief look* I just said give me the breakfast. From where did you think I'm ordering?
Tae's mom: Oh, is it? Then make your own breakfast *said while standing up* I don't have time to make your breakfast and feed you *she said without any emotions*
Tae: *he was looking at her with a annoyed and disbelief look* I can't believe you're my mom!
Tae's mom: Me neither! *she said and left from there*
Tae: *he was looking at the going figure which was moving towards the main door* The fvckk!! Just go to hell!! *said to the going figure* What kind of mother is she? Is there any mom like her? Then must be that child is also suffering in hell like me. Nevermind, I'll make my own. I don't give a fvck about anyone! *he said while walking towards the kitchen*

Taehyung doesn't really know how to cook that much. Because he never cooked before. Yeah, they have a maid but she didn't came today due to some reasons. So now he's cooking himself.
After maximum 20 minutes he made himself a small breakfast having two toast with strawberry jam, one boiled egg, some sausage and a glass of juice.
He was having his breakfast peacefully but suddenly he remembered something.

Tae: *he was chewing but stopped in between* Oh, about that bitch. I forgot about him *he said and smirked* Let's see how you gonna escape from me, baby boy *smirk* But first I need to know about him. His name, his address, his everything *he was busy in his thoughts* I need to find everything about him and then I'll teach him the prettiest lesson in his life *smirk*

Then he called Jimin because he thought maybe he will know that boy's name as he was talking with him too long yesterday at the cafe.
After 2-3 rings Jimin picked up the call.

On the phone -
JM: Hey buddy, what's up? You wake up this early? *laugh*
Tae: Just stop and listen to what I'm saying! *he said a little bit cold*
JM: Ok ok, carry on. I'm listening *still laughing*
Tae: *sighs* Anyway, you remember the boy from yesterday?
JM: Umm... Who?
Tae: That bitch who poured drink on my clothes and--
JM: Ohh yeah yeah, I remembered. But what's with him?
Tae: Nothing much, just... Umm... You know his name? I mean you were talking so friendly with him yesterday, so...
JM: No actually, he was about to say his name but then he received a phone call and went away hurriedly. So, I didn't get to know that. But why are asking about him so suddenly?
Tae: Why? Is he someone special that I can't talk or ask about him?
JM: Ahh, no, it's not like that. I'm asking because yesterday only you had a big fight with him and now you're asking about him so...
Tae: So? What?
JM: So, it seems kinda fishy to me *he said hesitantly*
Tae: (in mind) [You guessed it right. It is fishy. But I won't tell you the reason now.]
JM: Hello? You there? *he asked as the other side was silent*
Tae: Ahh umm.. Y-yeah, I am.
JM: So, tell me. What is it?
Tae: It's nothing like that, duhh. I was just asking because-- because I think I shouldn't have behave like that yesterday with him... infront of everyone *he said hesitantly*
JM: Huh? What? Wh-what did you said? *he can't believe his ears as Taehyung said something like that before* I couldn't hear you, tell it once more.
Tae: Arghh, why? Do you also have some hearing problem?
JM: Just say it nah...
Tae: *sighs* I said I-- I shouldn't have done that yesterday.
JM: What?
Tae: Ahh, Jimin please, it's enough. You're not deaf that you can't hear what I'm saying *he said a little frustrated* I'm saying it one more time and if you can't hear it then I'll just hang up, ok? I said I shouldn't behave like that with him yesterday. Is it clear now?
JM: My goodness, Tae. I can't believe that you're the same boy who was behaving like that yesterday *his voice was showing that he was damn shocked*
Tae: It's not like what you're thinking, ok? I just realised what I did wrong.
JM: I see but tell me one thing...
Tae: Hm...
JM: Do you perhaps likes him? *he said grinning*
Tae: What the fvck!! *he shouts* Are you insane or what, Jimin? How could you even think like that?
JM: Ok ok... I'm sorry, I was just kidding *laughing*
Tae: It's not something to joke about, ok? You know I'm not interested in those stupid things. Then don't say those cringe things again to me *said sternly*
JM: Yeah yeah, I understand. I won't say that again. Now calm down, ok?
Tae: Hm... Anyway, I think I should apologize to him. So, I need to find him. Do you know his address?
JM: No duhh, I already told you that he didn't said about him anything, he just went away like a wind once he got that phone call.
Tae: I see. But nevermind, I'll find him. Just stay with me while I'll find him, ok?
JM: Ofcourse I will. You don't need to say that to me, ok?
Tae: Hm.. then bye. I'll meet you after sometime, ok?
JM: Fine! Bye! *hang up the call*

With Taehyung -
After hanging up with Jimin he started eating again as he didn't finished his food.

Tae: Now what will happen to you once I find you, baby boy!! *said smirking*

He then finished his food and left it there in the kitchen before leaving.


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