Too bad, too sweet ☄️

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Taehyung make Jungkook sit on his car seat before driving off. He came to his seat and adjusted the seat belt.

Tae: Take the seat belt *said while adjusting his own*
Jk: *he holds the seat belt trying to adjust it but couldn't make it*
Tae: Don't you know how to adjust a single seat belt too! *sighs in frustration*
Jk: No! I know, but this one isn't wo--
Tae: Leave it *said and opened his own seat belt and moved towards him*

Taehyung bend towards Jungkook's seat belt. His hard well built chest was hitting Jungkook's chest, making his breath hitched. His hot breath was hitting Jungkook's face.

Tae: What? Why are looking at me like that? *said while adjusting the belt*
Jk: Uhh.. umm... N-nothing. Noth-ing! *gulps and looked away*
Tae: Now sit straight and let me drove off. You are making it more late by doing stupid silly things! *said while starting the car*
Jk: I am making you late! What did I did? Did I said to drove me off to my house? You are doi--
Tae: Just shut up! I didn't asked for your opinion, ok! *said in his cold voice and drove off*

They are in the middle of the road. Taehyung didn't speak anything. He was just driving to the destination. He was driving with one hand making him look soo attractive. Jungkook was sometimes staring at him in a hope that he will say something, but no! So, Jungkook was just looking out the window.

Jk: (in mind) [What kind of man is he? Doesn't even know to talk! And, did he born to act and talk in cold voice with everyone! I never heard him speaking in a soft tone, not even with Jimin hyung. Does he have any emotions! I don't think so! Because, how can a person be this cold! He is seeing that I'm not well, but he never spoke softly or calmly with me once, since I fainted. Will he act like this to his partner also! Then I bet, that she will leave him for sure. Gezzz! God knows, what will happen to his partner if he act like this to her also. I feel bad for her. But wait-- does he have one?].

Jungkook thought that and looked at him questionably.

Tae: What happened? Why are you staring at me from a while? *said but his gaze is fixed on the road*
Jk: Can I ask you a question?
Tae: *nods as yes*
Jk: Do you ha-have a gir-lfriend? *said hesitatingly*
Tae: *looked at him* Did you lost your sense after you fainted! *again looked away*
Jk: No no! I'm in my right sense. Do you have one?
Tae: Do you think of yourself so close to me that you are asking me personal questions! Huh!
Jk: No, sir. You are getting me in a wrong way. I asked that out of curiosity.
Tae: No need! I don't like sharing my personal information with anyone random. I prefer solitude! So don't ever interfere in my personal life.
Jk: I'm sorry, sir *said and again looked at the window*

The few minutes of awkward silence occurred in between them. But out of nowhere, Taehyung said,

Tae: And if you don't know then, I'm not interested in girls. Yeah! I don't feel comfortable around them. I feel comfortable around boys. So, yeah!
Jk: Hmm? Is it so? Then do you ha--
Tae: Didn't you understand a meaning of "I don't like sharing my personal life with someone random". Then don't speak anything further about it.

After driving for 30-35 minutes, they finally reached the destination, Jungkook's home. Taehyung was unlocking the seat belt and after doing his own he tilt his head towards Jungkook to unlock his. But Jungkook denied, he said he can unlock it himself.
Taehyung get off from the car and helped Jungkook get off too bt holding his waist.

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