Hard to believe ☄️

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Taehyung dropped Jungkook at his place at late night again and then drove off to his own house with a prepared mind of dealing with his mom's nonsense again for getting late.

Time skips at Taehyung's home -
He again stepped inside with the help of the spare key he has with him. He locked the door behind him and then went straight to the kitchen to drink water. He switched on the light of the kitchen and then filled a glass of water and then gulped it down fully within one go. Then when he was about to leave to his room, his mom came in the living room out of nowhere and said something which made Tae's blood boiled up.

Tae's mom: Don't you think that you are slowly becoming like your dad?
Tae: What?
Tae's mom: Yeah.. your dad was also like this only. He used to come back home at late night after spending his full time to enjoy with some filthy wh*res. And then when I asked him where he was, he used to get mad at me asking him such questions. And here you are, becoming exactly like him. You are spending your time with some wh*res too like your dad did and then come and lie to me that he has work which needs to be completed *said while crossing her arms*
Tae: Watch your mouth before commenting anything about my dad! *said sternly*
Tae's mom: *scoffs* Don't try to sugar coat something which is all clear infront of the eyes.
Tae: I am not sugar coating anything, ok! Am just warning you not to say anything unpleasant about my dad.
Tae's mom: Unpleasant? *scoffs* Maybe you forgot how he used to act, right?
Tae: No. I didn't forget anything about him. Yeah, I know he used to come home late at night but- don't you ever use that word while describing him.
Tae's mom: Why? Why would I not? Did I said anything wrong? Did I lied about him?
Tae: *massage his head* Listen.. even if he did those things, you got no right to bad bitching about someone who is no more alive in this world.
Tae's mom: Learn before speaking anything which you can't take back *said sternly*
Tae: *smirk* See.. you are getting offended when someone bad bitch about you. Then how did you accept someone will enjoy hearing bad bitching about them? Huh?
Tae's mom: *clenched her jaw*
Tae: Listen... Don't accept people to endure something unpleasant words about them when if the same words were thrown to you too and you won't be able to endure them. Think about yourself before pointing fingers at others, because the other three fingers are pointing at you.
Tae's mom: Expected! This kind of words are expected from you. Afterall, you are his son, isn't it? Expected *said and left*

Taehyung let out a huge breath of sigh and left to his room.

With Taehyung -
He came inside his room and locked the door behind him before collapsing on his bed. He took off his shirt and lay on the bed being half naked. He closed his eyes for some minutes then suddenly his phone buzzes indicating that he had received a notification from someone or something.
He grabbed his phone and saw that he got a notification from an app. He again let out a sigh and threw the phone away being lazy.

Tae: Aaaa.. I thought he messaged me *smile* Am I stupid or what? Why would he message me out of nowhere? Yeah but, he should have messaged me asking whether I reached home safely or not *sighs* Maybe he is busy or he slept. We had a rough day today, so it's obvious that he would be sleepy. Yeah yeah, I will talk to him tomorrow itself. Aaa.. I should sleep too. I am also sleepy *yawned* I won't forget the way he was laughing today. It feels like he was so relaxed today being outside riding those. His smile is so cute *stretched and closed his eyes*

Taehyung entered inside his dreamland like that. He went to sleep with the thought of the last person being Jungkook.

Tae: [I don't know. I mean, I want to be his friend, but then again I don't, you know? I mean, how can you simply be friends with someone when every time you look at them, you are thinking about how much more you really want? It's hard to be friends with someone you once wanted more than anything. Do I want him as a friend, or a lover? It doesn't matter, I just want him in my life. He is the sun on my sky].

So, Taehyung was sleeping and was dreaming about how he actually feel about Jungkook. Maybe he is actually falling for him but in reality he doesn't believe in love that he will accept his heart has already fallen for him so hard. They stood their pretending to just be friends when all the while everyone in the room could plainly see that they were only existing for each other. They look at each other like they are in another galaxy where they are the only population.
Because we all have someone we never speak of. Someone who meant so much, that even hearing their name makes your soul tremble with memories and a little pain. Someone who makes your heart break a little more each time you accidentally think of the colour of their eyes.
Suddenly, Taehyung woke up while sweating badly.

Tae: The fvck I dreamt about! *breathing heavily* Why the fvck he is always in my dreams? The fvck is wrong with me? How can I even imagine such things about him? Ofcourse, we are only friends. Just friends! I can't think of him about something else. No no.. I can never. It can never happen. Aaaa... Fvck it all. Everything is fake.

He grabbed the glass of water placed beside his bed and drank it all. He then again lay and slept.

A/N: There will come a time in your life when you will become infatuated with a single soul. For this person, you would do anything and not think twice about it, but when you asked why, you have no answer about that. You will try your whole life to understand how a single person can affect you as much as they do, but you will never find out. And no matter how badly you hate it or how badly it hurts, you will love this person without any regret for the rest of your life.
In the same way, Taehyung feel that they are only friends. Yeah ofcourse, they are best friends and "just friends", but everyone who looked at them when they were together knew they were something more. It was obvious they had fallen for each other, but neither want to admit it. At one point or another, they both fell, and fell hard. You could tell by the way they looked up at each other like both are each other's world, and by the way their smile radiated happiness when they both looked at each other. Everyone could see it, except them.


Hey, umm.. I wanted to say y'all that I will keep this book aside from writing for a couple of days or more because people are telling me to write the other one too *pouts*
That means, I will be focusing more on the other book now as compared to this book. Maybe I will update this one, but umm.. frequently, ok?

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