Bad dreams ☄️

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Taehyung was driving the car while Jungkook was sitting unconscious on the seat beside him.

Tae: Just some minutes and we will reach at the hospital. Till then please hang in... Please..

He was looking at him time-to-time while driving. Taehyung is now so tensed about Jungkook. He is feeling guilty too.

Tae: I'm so sorry, Jungkook... I didn't expect this to happen... I should have trust you when you said you couldn't do anything at that time. But- wait- why his lips are becoming blue than usual? Wh-what is happening to him? Arghh... *he speed up the car*

Time skips at hospital -
He came inside the hospital while holding Jungkook in bridal style. He was calling the doctors inside the hospital by screaming.

Tae: Someone please come quickly... *shouts*
Doc: Ohh... What happened, sir? *came towards him*
Tae: What happened? Can't you see he is unconscious? Just check him out without wasting any time! *shouts as he is angry*
Doc: Ofcourse, sir *he took the stethoscope and put it on Jk's chest to feel his breathing rate*
Tae: How is it?
Doc: Ohh God! *while checking*
Tae: Just tell me what happened? Is he fine?
Doc: How can he be fine? Does he have Cyanosis?
Tae: Cyanosis? *furrowing eyebrows*
Doc: Yeah! It is a bluish tinge mostly noticable on the lips and nail beds.
Tae: Ye-ah, maybe. Because his lips has turned bluish than usual. But I don't know if he has it or not.
Doc: Shit!
Tae: What will happen if he has it? I mean, what is it?
Doc: During a cyanotic spell, one's lips and skin will appear more blue than usual and their breathing may be deeper and faster. It happens due to stress, or crying while screaming too much.
Tae: *he became numb after hearing him*
Doc: We need to take him to the emergency right now!
Tae: Em-emergency?
Doc: Yeah! *he was about to call for the stretcher*
Tae: He will be alright, right?
Doc: *sighs* I can't give you that assurance. Because it is a dying spells, or you can say a apparent life-threatening spells. And moreover, you came here a little late. So--
Tae: Please don't say such things. Please... I will provide all money you need to make him normal again. But please, don't say such things... Please *said with pleading eyes*
Doc: Just have faith in God! That's all I can say to you right now *he said and left after taking Jungkook on the stretcher*

Taehyung started recalling whatever he did with him while sitting on the steel waiting bench.

Tae: I- I'm so sorry for whatever I did to you *said while joining his hands together close to his forehead* I'm really very sorry, Jungkook. Please don't leave like this... Please *sniffing* Be alright again please... Give me a chance to apologise to you... Please *tears escape from his eyes unknowingly* I won't do anything from now on... But please don't leave... Please *tears were flowing down his cheeks* I don't need any revenge anymore. I will stop doing it, but please be conscious again. Please.. give me a ch-chance.. please *tears continuously dripping down* No no... Nothing can happen to you. You can't leave like this. Nothing will happen to you, Jungkook. Nothing! *again starts tearing up unknowingly*

He was sitting there on the bench for the doctor to come outside from the emergency room with a good news. He was continuously looking at the door of the emergency room with pleading eyes.

After 35 minutes -
Doctor came outside after 35 minutes. He came towards Taehyung who was sitting palm headed on the bench.

Doc: Mr?
Tae: *looked up at him* Doctor? H-how is he? He is alright, isn't it?
Doc: *sighs*
Tae: Why the fvck are you sighing? *shouts* Tell me, he is alright!
Doc: Calm down! We did the required things to do. But--
Tae: B-but what? *questionable eyes*
Doc: We needed to increase systemic vascular resistance, reduce systemic blood flow and at the same time increasing pulmonary blood flow to make him concious, but he didn't.
Tae: What do you mean?
Doc: He is not responding right now. We will wait for 24 hours and then if he doesn't respond then-- *looks down*
Tae: *looking at him with shocked unbelief eyes*
Doc: You need to sign in the bond paper.
Tae: *he is speechless*

Time skips at night -
Taehyung was now in the cabin room with Jungkook. He is sitting beside him on the stool while looking at his unconscious sleeping figure.

Tae: Please wake up... Please *looking at him with teary eyes* I'm sorry for whatever I did... Please wake up *hold his hand softly* I- I'm so-rry, Jungkook.. I'm really sorry *put his head in the middle of their hands* Please response... Please open your eyes...

He was holding his hand softly in between his big hands. Suddenly he felt something is moving. He looked up and saw that Jungkook's feet is moving a little, along with his right hand's finger.

Tae: Ju- Ju-Jungkook? Please wake up *pleading eyes* Doctor? Doctor! *shouts* Please come here fast! He is responding! Doctor!
Doc: What happened? *came inside hurriedly*
Tae: Check him out. He is responding. His feet were moving *said delightedly*
Doc: Wait wait-- let me check! *took his stethoscope and check his heart beat*
Tae: How is he?
Doc: *nodding* He seems responding.
Tae: Is he? *smiling widely*
Doc: Yeah! *took back his stethoscope* Just a few minutes and he will wake up soon. Don't worry, he is fine now. His heart rate is normal *pats his shoulder and left from the room*
Tae: *sat on the stool while looking at him* Wake up fast. I'm waiting, please wake up fast *hold his hand softly again*

Time skips at 12:30 AM -
Taehyung fell asleep while holding his hand in between his big one. He didn't know when he fell asleep like that.

Jk: mmhm~~ mhm~ *moving his head both side while fluttering his eyes to open* mmhm~

Taehyung heard something humming, so he opened his eyes because he thought maybe Jungkook has woke up.

Tae: Jungkook? Jungkook, what happened? *he saw him shaking his head at both side continuously while humming something* Jungkook, open your eyes. See, everything is fine here. I'm here with you. Jungkook! *caress his cheek* Jungkook... No one can hurt you anymore. See, I'm here! Open your eyes *said while caressing his cheek*

Jungkook slowly opened his eyes after blinking many times to clear his view as he was unconscious more than 20 hours, so his vision is blurry.

Tae: Jungkook? Look at me, I'm here *holds his hand softly but tightly*

Jungkook looked at him.

Jk: M-mr Kim? *said with a tired shaky voice*
Tae: Yes! I'm here with you *said as a assurance*
Jk: Wh-why are y-you he--
Tae: Stop talking about that. Forget about everything happened yesterday. Nothing like that will ever happen from now on, ok?
Jk: *looking at him intensely* Why you care?
Tae: *nodding* You know what? *sighs* I should never have cared. But I did care. I cared a lot. And, I still fvcking care *said while looking at him straightly into his eyes*


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