Voice of eyes ☄️

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Taehyung was sitting on the couch outside after coming out from the washroom.
Jungkook walk towards him nervously and stands infront of him.

Tae: Oh.. you fine now? *looked up at him*
Jk: *nodded as yes*
Tae: Fine! Let's eat something then I will drop you home *sat on his chair*
Jk: No n--
Tae: Sit and finish eating! *said sternly with a cold voice*

Jungkook sat infront of him and they both started eating.

Tae: Did you take your medicine?
Jk: *nods as yes*
Tae: Don't forget to take the medicine after the lunch.
Jk: *nods as yes*

Time skips at evening -
The office got closed as Taehyung and Jungkook left from the office. Taehyung took Jungkook to drove him off to his house.

In the car -
Taehyung was driving the car and it was raining a little outside with a cold breeze hitting from the outside.

Tae: Shit! This rain has to start now? *pissed off look* Are you feeling cold? Will I curtain up the glass of the window?
Jk: No no.. the cold breeze is really great. I'm enjoying it. Don't curtain up the glass.
Tae: Are you mad or what? You are enjoying the cold breeze? Seriously *shakes his head in disbelief*
Jk: Yeah, ofcoure. It feels so nice *took a deep relaxing breath and looked at the window*
Tae: Oh.. I forgot to inform you one thing.
Jk: What is it?
Tae: We got a business invitation tomorrow, and we have to go there.
Jk: Business invitation? I didn't understand it *furrowing eyebrows*
Tae: *sighs in frustration* It means, we got a invitation from a company with whom we once had a deal with. They were our once partnership of the business.
Jk: Ohh.. I see.
Tae: We need to go there. And yeah.. we need to buy some flowers bouquet for them. So you have to come a little early tomorrow.
Jk: Ok.
Tae: We will buy it on our way to the invitation so don't be late.
Jk: *nods as yes*

Taehyung dropped him in his place and drove off to his own house.

Time skips to next morning -
As Taehyung said, Jungkook wakes up early, did his morning chores, eat something small and went out. While he was riding on a bus, Tae called him and told him to wait infront of the bus stop which is infront of Jungkook's apartment, so that he can pick him up from there easily.

With Jungkook -
He is currently sitting in the bus stop, waiting for Taehyung to come and pick him up.
After 10 minutes, he saw a similar car coming towards him and it stopped infront of him as the curtain glass curl down revealing a Greek sculpture face of Mr Kim Taehyung, with the perfect side profile ever.

Tae: Get in.
Jk: (in mind) [Why is he looking extra handsome and h-hot today?]
Tae: Excuse me! Get inside, we are getting late.
Jk: Y-yeah *went and sat inside*

Taehyung drove off to a nice luxurious place of great fresh flowers bouquet to buy.

Jk: What kind of flowers do you want to buy?
Tae: I don't know. Did you ever bought some?
Jk: Yeah, I had to buy it every year.
Tae: Then help me choosing it from there.
Jk: Didn't you ever bought flowers bouquet?
Tae: Why would I bought? I don't like cringe things.
Jk: Then why are you buying it now?
Tae: Because I had to. It's called formalities. Nothing else! I don't have any interest to buy something like this.

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