Strange love ☄️

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Jk: *chuckled*
JM: What?
Jk: You are describing it like a poetry *giggles*
JM: *sighs* But it's true, Jungkook. Atleast you try to understand that both of you have something in between each other.
Jk: What did you said? Both of you? *furrowing eyebrows*
JM: Yeah.
Jk: Did you tell this things to him also?
JM: Ofcourse, and he didn't believed it like yo--
Jk: Have you gone mad? *pissed off look*
JM: Why?
Jk: Why did you tell him these things too? He doesn't like things like this. He doesn't believe in love. Why did you did this? Aaa.. now I have to get scolded by him because of this *sighs*
JM: He won't scold you, Jungkook. He won't! Trust me.
Jk: But you told him everything as same as you told me right now. And I am damn sure that it made him think of me in a wrong way. And the least possible thing he can think is that I like him.
JM: Let him think whatever he wants to think about. It's none of your business. Yeah, you have to focus on your feelings. What do you think of him? How your heart beats for him? What your heart tells you about him whenever he is around you? You have to think of these stuffs, not him thinking stuffs about you. And trust me, he won't ask you anything about whatever I told or asked him. Because I hope from now on he will keep an eye over you and wi--
Jk: It's nothing new that he will keep an eye over me *narrow eyes*
JM: You mean he keeps his eyes over you always? Ok fine, that's great then. But now he will do it in a special way. Mark me out right now.
Jk: *sighs* I don't know what you are saying? Why would he do something like that? I am no special to him.
JM: I won't say anything about that. I will just say a common thing which I have told him also that focus on your feelings. That's it. It will make you understand wheather I am wrong or right.
Jk: But--
JM: Ahhh... No buts now. I am getting late *checked his watch* Oh my God! I am late! *shouts and stands up* Byee! Do the things I told you to do, ok! *left from the office*

With Jungkook -
After Jimin left from the office, Jungkook head palmed himself and thought about the way Taehyung may act with him. But then his thoughts revolves to Jimin about what he said.

Jk: I think a lot of people don't understand what real romance is. And Jimin hyung is like them only.
Anyone can buy flowers, candy and jewelry, there's no love in that. The truly romantic things in life are those little things you do everyday to show you care, and that you are thinking of them. It's going out of your way to make them happy. The way you hold their hand when you know they are scared, or you save the last piece of cake for them. The random text in the middle of the day, just to say "I love you" or "I miss you". The way they stops to kiss you when they passes by. It's dedicating their favourite song to each other. Telling them they are beautiful, even when they are in sweats; with his hair all messed up and no big muscles. It's putting your favourite show on pause so they can tell you about their day, and laughing at his jokes, even the really lame ones. It's slow dancing in the kitchen and kissing in the rain. Romance isn't about buying, it's about giving. And true romance is in the gestures.

Jungkook let out a huge breath of sigh and started working again.

With Taehyung -
He was sitting on his chair and was lost in something.

Tae: Isn't it strange? There are so many people out there who secretly love someone. And there are so many people out there who have no idea that someone secretly loves them. Does the universe fights for souls to be together? Some things are too strange and strong to be coincidences. But the sad truth is, so many people are in love and not together and so many people are together and not in love. Yes, and that's why I don't believe in love. I honestly don't think forever exists. Because it is the most beautifully created illusion known to mankind. Crafted from lies, wonder and hope, and that's why I don't believe in something which will never come. And I think all relationships deteriorate into hate, indifference or- well, yeah, those two things.

Time skips to evening -
The office has closed, all the employees has left. Taehyung as usual left to drop Jungkook at his place.

In the car -
Taehyung is driving and Jungkook was again secretly stealing some glances. He wants to talk to him because the atmosphere in between them is getting awkward at every second. But he doesn't know how to talk as he still thinks that Taehyung will scold him about whatever Jimin has told him today about love.

Jk: Umm.. can I switch on some music? *asked nervously*
Tae: *no response*
Jk: If you don't have any problem then. It's ok if you don't want, I won't *looked outside the window*
Tae: Switch on *said with a cold voice*
Jk: Huh? *shocked*
Tae: Switch on music if you want. Why are you asking me?
Jk: No, it's your car that's why-
Tae: *gave a glance*
Jk: *gulps*

Jungkook turn on the speaker and asked for what song to play on.

Jk: What song you like?
Tae: I don't know. Play whatever you want. I will listen to anything.
Jk: Don't you have any favourite song name?
Tae: No, I don't listen to songs that much.
Jk: Not even a single? *disbelief look*
Tae: *looked at him* Do you know every songs of every artist?
Jk: Ofcourse no, but atleast a lot of them.
Tae: Fine, then play Strawberries & Cigarettes by Troye Sivan.
Jk: Is this your favourite song?
Tae: Kind of, just play it.

Jungkook nodded and played the song.

"Long nights, daydreams
Sugar and smoke rings, I've
been a fool~
But strawberries and
cigarettes always taste like

Headlights, on me
Racing to sixty, I've been a fool~
But strawberries and
cigarettes always taste like

Blue eyes, black jeans
Lighters and candy, I've been
a fool~
But strawberries and
cigarette always taste like


It's one of my favourite song which made me think of Taekook randomly...
Aaa.. I just love this one song because of them, but ain't gonna lie that yeah ofc the song is good by its own but-
My Taekook made it more romantic for me *blushed*

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