Chapter 4 - Tradition

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"Are you insane?"

Ah... Of course she won't...

Viviane's gaze dropped from Medrauta's, casting her eyes to the ground. Any shred of her earlier courage was completely and utterly gone.

"Even if I said yes, it wouldn't matter. Lady Viviane, I'm sure you know this already, but traditionally, noble-knight pairs must be of opposite genders."

"Ah... Yes, that's right... I—"

Wait... That's it! If that's the only reason, then...!

Medrauta stepped back in surprise as Viviane suddenly lurched forward, her eyes sparkling brightly now. W-What the hell's up with this girl!? It's like she's got two personalities!

"Is that the only reason why you won't become my knight!?"

"Well... It's not exactly the only reason, but—"

"What else is there!? As the sole daughter of Duke Castellia, I promise I'll grant your wish if it is within my power!"

Ah. So that was it. The Castellia ducal family was rather famous in the Avalyne Empire. Though they had produced no knights of note within their past few generations, nobles who descended from their bloodline always possessed Crests of astounding powers.

"...It's not so much my 'wish.' Rather, didn't those girls say that you couldn't manifest a Crest?"

"Ahaha... So you overheard..."

Medrauta merely shrugged in response. "I may not be able to resonate with a Crest, but I can't make an oath with a noble who can't even manifest their Crest. That would be like having..."

That would be like having two cripples on a team. She bit her lip, unable to bear speaking those words. Her pride would not let her.

"It's... It's not true!" Viviane exclaimed. "Look!"

Viviane thrust her hand toward Medrauta. There upon the back of her hand was a faint mark in the shape of two crossed chains that formed an 'X'.

Medrauta took her hand, bringing it closer to herself as she inspected the Crest. "...So you do have a Crest."

"Y-Yes! It's just... The ability is... Well..." Viviane's eyes shifted away, casting her gaze to the ground beside them. "...I don't think it's something that any knight would find useful."

She dared not look Medrauta in the eyes after revealing such a thing. It was natural for a knight to select their noble based on the strength of their Crest. As the academy's strongest knight, Medrauta should have had the sole prerogative of selecting her noble as she pleased.

"That's not for you to decide," Medrauta declared flatly.

Viviane blinked. "H-Huh?"

"It is the knight who determines the worth of a Crest. We're the ones flinging ourselves at the enemy. All you nobles do is sit back and channel your mana into us after bestowing your Crest."

"W-We do a little more than that..."

Medrauta didn't deign to give her a reply.

"A-Anyway, I... My knight already left me weeks ago... I never even got to resonate with them..."

"...I see."

Truth be told, Medrauta hadn't expected that at all. As a knight, forming connections with powerful families was indispensable. Even if Viviane's Crest was really as useless as she claimed, it still would've been beneficial for the knight to remain in her service solely for the connections.

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