Chapter 100 - I'll Light Your Way

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It didn't take them long to reach Helfried.

Thanks to the Revelo duchy's well-kept roads and the lack of forested areas surrounding them, the group managed to make good progress even during the night. Though light was still scarce for the coachman, the presence of two knights by his side helped reduce that difficulty.

"It's a good thing Viviane and I packed lightly," Medrauta remarked, watching the sun rise in the distance as they approached the outskirts of Helfried. "We've been running the horses ragged these past few days."

Riku nodded. "I'm surprised you had that much food and water for the horses stored away in the back of the carriage. No wonder the interior is so cramped."

The carriage slowed and stopped just outside of the city's walls. They weren't anywhere near as tall or majestic as the duchy's border walls, but they were still quite large and respectable. The gates were closed as expected, but interestingly enough, there were no guards to be seen anywhere.

Medrauta and Riku disembarked, the latter doing so in an almost hurried fashion before escorting their respective ladies out of the carriage while the coachman moved the vehicle to a less obtrusive position off to the side of the main gate. It didn't look like they were going to be afforded entry into the city anytime soon.

"Looks like Bastiche is locking down the entire duchy," Medrauta mused. "Shouldn't be a problem for us, though."

Viviane nodded. "We won't have to enter the city for the ingredients we need, but... We won't have access to the equipment needed for making the antidote in that case."

"W-What!?" Riku exclaimed, his voice shriller than he'd intended thanks to the anxiety that gripped his heart upon hearing Viviane's words.

"Relax, Riku." Medrauta said. "We've got a bunch of medical supplies and cooking implements. I'm sure we can jury-rig something if we need to. For now, focus on obtaining the ingredients needed."

Riku nodded, taking a deep breath to calm his nerves. Sakura's condition wasn't exactly improving, but it had at least stabilized now that she was surrounded by greenery and capable of replenishing her ki reserves. "Where must I go to find them?"

This time, it was Viviane who responded. The noblewoman walked closer to the foreign knight, holding out a folded leaflet toward him. "I've drawn a small map of the surrounding area and taken note of the most common areas where each herb appears along with illustrations of them. Due to their unique appearance, you shouldn't make any mistakes when gathering."

"Thank you, Lady Viviane." Riku bowed, expressing his gratitude. Unfolding the piece of paper, he inspected it thoroughly before looking off toward the nearby treeline where a majority of the marked areas were located. His keen eyes scanned the gaps through the foliage, planning a rudimentary route before starting off toward his destination.

"I shall endeavor to return before noon. Please take care of Lady Sakura in my absence."

With that, Riku dashed off toward the forest, determined to relieve his lady of her suffering as soon as possible. Though this quest would allow him to regain his honor, that was the last thing on his mind as he hurried through the foliage. All he could think of was Sakura's smile when she finally recovered from the poison that ailed her.

"Look at him go," Medrauta let out a low whistle. "Can't really blame him, though. He could barely sit still when we were on the way here."

"I'm surprised he managed to remain seated at all," Sakura smiled weakly as she leaned against Viviane for support, the two noblewomen heading toward a nearby boulder that looked flat enough to act as a seat.

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