Chapter 165 - Inheritance

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"Welcome back, Child of Eventide."

"Miss... Emrys?" Viviane said hesitantly, a frown creasing her brow as she cast her gaze around her colorless surroundings.

"It is I."

Just like the first time Viviane saw her, Emrys bore an uncanny resemblance to what Medrauta would've looked like as a child. Though she hadn't met her knight until their fateful encounter at Avalyne Academy, she was somehow certain that Emrys' form was accurate. However, there was one thing that Emrys couldn't emulate.

The silver-haired child walked forward, their tiny footsteps causing ripples to race across the surface of the white void. Her piercing blue eyes seemed to slash Viviane with a mere glance, but the noblewoman's eyes gleamed like twin golden shields as they caught Emrys' gaze. Indeed, what Emrys would never be able to emulate was the gentle warmth that Medrauta exuded whenever they were alone.

As Emrys drew closer, her bladelike qualities only became more and more apparent to Viviane. More like a living sword than a person, Emrys' movements cut through the air instead of pushing through it, and even the solid-liquid substance that comprised the void beneath her threatened to part at a mere touch. Had Emrys' footsteps been heavier, they would surely rend this realm asunder.

"Miss Emrys... If I may ask, why did you bring me here again?"

"I see your knight has discovered a part of the empire's dark history." Emrys ignored Viviane's question, beckoning her to follow. Viviane did so, though she had no idea why. The void was endless, after all.

"You mean the 'Empress' greatest shame'?" Viviane pursed her lips thoughtfully. "I didn't have much time to go through the book myself and I was quite busy with other subjects while I had access to the library."

"So I noticed. You sought knowledge of the Paladins, did you not?"

"E-Eh...?" Viviane paused for a moment, unsure of how to respond. She knew that Emrys meant her no harm despite their weaponlike qualities, but she wasn't entirely sure what sort of information she should divulge.

In the first place, she had no idea who or what Emrys actually was, nor did she know anything about the supposed "Lake" they were in other than its name. Sensing her hesitance, Emrys stopped, causing Viviane to nearly bump into the silver-haired child.

"We are connected, you and I. You need not hide secrets from me, for they are within my grasp at a moment's behest."

"W-What!?" Viviane exclaimed.

"But only for now. Should you wish to hide from me, you would do well to master your birthright, O Child of Eventide."

"L-Look, I don't even know what that means! And what gives you the right to snoop around my head, if that's what you've been doing!?" Viviane stepped away from Emrys instinctively. She would've ran if she knew there was someplace to hide. Somewhere she could get away from Emrys and this weird place forever.

Emrys didn't respond.

It was true that she owed her ability to slay witchspawn to this mysterious Lake, but just as much as it intrigued her, it also frightened her. During their previous encounter, Emrys had done many things that still mystified her. The faux-child had taught her how to leave this place, something that Viviane found impressive in its own right.

She still remembered that feeling of having the whole world in the palm of her hand. The tearing of what felt like space and time itself as she thrust herself back into the waking world of reality. But more than that, the memory of something Emrys had said rang louder than even her momentary union with the universe.

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