Chapter 33 - Reunion

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"W-W-W-W-What did you just do!?"

"Just what is the matter with you, Viviane? We're finally together again and you're running away from me already?"

"Y-You...! You just! W-Without warning...!"

Medrauta sighed. "You can't be serious, Viviane. It was just a display of fealty. Was it so wrong after we've been apart for so long?"

"A d-d-display of f-fealty!? Y-You call a k-k-ki-..." Viviane backed up against the wall of the prep room, covering her blushing face. She couldn't even finish the word.

"A kiss," Medrauta did it for her. "Yes. It's just a kiss, Viviane. So what?"

"T-That's...! Y-You're only s-supposed to k-k-kiss after you're m-married! This is totally s-scandalous!" Viviane exclaimed.

Medrauta shut her mouth. She had been about to correct Viviane once more, but seeing this reaction, she couldn't help but tease the blonde noblewoman.

Advancing very slowly and deliberately, Medrauta approached the squirming and embarrassed Viviane until she was close enough that their chests were almost touching.

With one swift motion, Medrauta grabbed hold of Viviane's wrists in one hand, pulling both of her lady's arms upward and pinning her to the wall.

Rendered speechless, Viviane could do nothing but blushingly stare into Medrauta's sapphire eyes. Perhaps a little longingly, actually.

I-I'm not staring longingly into her eyes! I j-just can't move away! Viviane thought to herself as she continued to be entranced by Medrauta's eyes, not wrenching her gaze away despite the chance. But she was. She very much was, and even Medrauta realized this despite how dense the knight usually was.

The silver-haired knight's face drew closer inch by inch, and when Viviane could feel Medrauta's hot breath against her cheek, she closed her eyes and steeled herself. Viviane's delicate eyelashes fluttered in anticipation like gossamer strands of golden silk as she awaited the meeting between Medrauta's lips and her own.

Yet, that moment never came.

"Could it be that a simple kiss on the back of your hand wasn't enough, my lady?" Medrauta's deep, sultry voice reverberated next to Viviane's ear, the sound coursing through her entire body and causing her to tremble helplessly.

She was caught in a trap, but she didn't want to escape. Being apart from Medrauta for so long had made her understand that.

"What is it you're hoping for, Viviane? Perhaps I might indulge you if you tell me."

S-She's going to make me say it...! A shiver ran down Viviane's spine as Medrauta uttered those words in her ear. Her lips parted slowly, unsure of whether she had the courage to actually say it.

"I... I want..." She hesitated.


"I want you to..."

"What is it that you want me to do, my lady? You have to say it clearly," Medrauta said as she cupped Viviane's chin in her other hand.

"I w-want you to ki—"

Suddenly, the gates to the prep room began to open, a loud 'clunk' heralding their movement. Trista's voice echoed from the arena and into the prep room.

"Whoops. Looks like time's up," Medrauta laughed as she released Viviane, stepping away. Confidently, the knight began to make her way out of the prep room.

Viviane stood against the wall, stunned. Her face was still beet red, but her eyes were wide open now. Despite that, her mind was completely empty, unable to process what had just happened. She stared blankly ahead, thoroughly confused at both herself and what just transpired.

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