Chapter 32 - Viviane's Challenge

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The promised day.

At last, it had arrived.

Viviane rose at daybreak. Despite such conduct being unusual for a noblewoman, it was something that had become a habit during the past two weeks with Sakura. In fact, she found her leather riding pants and blouse more comfortable than the pretty dresses that she used to wear.

However, she didn't wake early simply out of habit. No. Today was a day where everything needed to be perfect.

"Good morning, Lady Sakura," Viviane said as she stepped out of her room. The elegantly poised foreign noblewoman was leaning on the wall next to the door. Despite the first rays of sunlight having barely begun to peek over the horizon, neither lady showed fatigue in their eyes.

"Good morning, Lady Viviane," Sakura responded. She held her hand out, a silver bow resting in her palm. Prior to this moment, Viviane had only seen it from afar. Now that it sat before her, Viviane realized the true majesty of Sakura's weapon.

It was beautifully wrought, but not ornamental. The material from which it was forged was known only as 'moonsteel' in the Avalynian language, and both its flexibility and sheen did justice to that name. The swords that the knights wielded seemed almost clumsy in comparison to the grace of Sakura's bow.

"You'll be needing this."

Viviane quickly shook her head. "I-I couldn't! It's yours, Lady Sakura!"

"Yes, and I expect it returned to me after your match. However, you do not have a bow to start with, Lady Viviane. Or were you planning to pick one up at the armory? Those flimsy pieces of wood won't hold up in a real match."

"Geh!" Viviane hung her head in dismay. Sakura had hit the nail right on the head.

"So take mine for now. Consider it a favor to commemorate our friendship."

Viviane nodded, taking the bow from Sakura's hands carefully and reluctantly. It was surprisingly strong in her grasp despite its delicate appearance. "T-Thank you!"

"By the way, there is something else you called me for, yes? It is rather early today, and I thought you would be getting some more rest before you went to issue your challenge."

"Of course. The truth is, I've been feeling a little bad for Dame Trista, you see... She's quite busy throughout the week, and even during the weekends. I doubt she would be happy about a sudden impromptu match."

"Ah... So you want to..."

Viviane nodded. "Yes. If it's not too much trouble, could you speak to her on my behalf? I would like to give her some time to prepare the arena if possible."

"And in doing so remove any chances of the princess delaying the match. Quite sly, if I do say so myself."

Viviane smiled. "Is my noble conduct improving?"

"Please, Lady Viviane. You're already a monster."

The two girls shared a round of laughter before heading off to fulfill their respective roles. For what was the first time in a while, Viviane strode through the academy with purpose in her steps.

Before they parted, Sakura had asked her one last question.

"Originally, I had thought you wanted me to accompany you. Will you truly be fine on your own?"

To that, Viviane only had one response.

"This is something only I can do."


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