Chapter 154 - Heart to Heart

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"So what're we doing here? Are you gonna spend the next hour staring at me or are we gonna throw down?" Medrauta asked, her arms crossed as she glanced expectantly at Eris. The two knights stood in an open field of grass just outside the outpost. Moonlight shone down upon them, illuminating their invisible arena in lieu of the encampment's torches.

The blonde-haired knight pursed her lips, the position of her arms mirroring Medrauta's. She shot an irritated glare at her soon-to-be opponent, but made no other moves to respond. In truth, Eris had wanted to take the opportunity to apologize for her behavior. After all, Medrauta had done nothing to deserve the treatment she was receiving. Eris had been the one who issued the challenge and she had lost in a fair bout.

While she wasn't a mean-spirited person, Eris wasn't exactly accustomed to apologizing, especially after she had already taken a serious blow to her pride after her defeat at Medrauta's hands. Because of that, she now found it difficult to speak the words she knew she had to say in order to resolve whatever hostilities had taken root in their still-budding relationship.

Gah! Why does Lady Scarlet have to be so chummy with Lady Viviane!? Eris released a brief sigh, allowing her frustration to seep out for a moment. Indeed, if this had just been an issue between herself and Medrauta, it likely wouldn't have weighed so heavily on her mind, but Eris knew this sort of behavior wouldn't be sustainable in the future. As far as she was aware, her beloved Scarlet wasn't planning on cutting ties with Viviane anytime soon.

"You look like you've got somethin' to say." Medrauta drew her sword, keeping its point toward the ground for now. "But you just can't seem to spit it out. Why don't we have a conversation without words instead?"

"...A conversation without words?" Eris frowned. "What are you even saying?"

"We'll simply let our blades do the talking," Medrauta grinned. "I saw you fight, and I crossed swords with you albeit briefly. You're skilled enough, aren't you? To convey your feelings through swordplay."

Eris's brow continued to furrow in confusion, but she drew her twin daggers anyway. Though Medrauta had shattered one of them just a little while ago, she'd managed to retrieve a replacement on the way to the command tent. She wasn't exactly familiar with the concept that Medrauta spoke of, having mostly fought against other junior knights. Her opponents simply hadn't reached the level of skill where their very intent and motivations resonated deeply with their blades.

"Very well. If it is a duel you want, then I am more than ready." Eris replied. "If this will allow me to convey the words I wish to say, then that is all the better."

Medrauta nodded once, watching as Eris settled into a stance. Without further warning, the silver-haired knight darted forward, the dirt exploding beneath her feet as she closed the distance between herself and Eris within a heartbeat. Her sword flashed out, a blur of silver as it shot through the air in a deadly thrust targeting Eris' right shoulder.

Had Medrauta been facing anyone else, the duel would've simply ended right then and there. The combination of speed and power that drove her thrust made it nearly impossible to dodge, but Eris was used to achieving the impossible.

Leaning to the side almost casually, Eris allowed Medrauta's blade to pass right by her shoulder, using the momentary opening in her opponent's posture to issue a rapid series of attacks with her daggers and forcing Medrauta to jerk her body to the side, throwing herself onto the ground and rolling to recover.

The moment she stood, Eris was descending upon her already. Twin daggers poised to strike like a serpent's fangs, Eris thrust her weapons down at Medrauta before she even had a chance to raise her blade, forcing the silver-haired knight to backpedal rapidly. Although their first duel had ended rather quickly with Medrauta claiming victory after issuing a well-placed strike, Eris had been ill-prepared for the silver-haired knight's surprising speed then.

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