Chapter 189 - Welcome Back

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"...What a sight for sore eyes."

Medrauta breathed a sigh of relief as she laid her eyes on the intact structure of Avalyne Academy. Although it had only been a few months since she'd last seen the institution, it felt like she'd been absent for an eternity. A quick glance to the side told her that Viviane was likely feeling the same.

"Right?" Viviane grinned. Despite the upturned streets and ruined buildings that dominated most of the capital's cityscape, Avalyne Academy alone stood tall and proud, undaunted by the witchspawn that poured out from the Spire.

Most of the destruction had been contained within the northern and eastern districts of the capital, a fact that Viviane and Medrauta quickly discovered as they followed Rosaline and Leticia to the so-called "outpost" which had turned out to be none other than Avalyne Academy.

Though the tremors caused by the ascent of the Spire had resulted in a few problems to the already damaged buildings, the majority of the academy had been unaffected thanks to the deep magic that enchanted its grounds and the solid foundation that it was built upon. As Viviane and Medrauta walked through the academy grounds, they noticed several scaffolds and groups of citizens milling about, indicating that repair efforts were already underway.

As it turns out, the witchspawn presence in the capital was primarily constrained around the Spire to stop powerful senior knights like Eirlys from sortieing out during the night and ending Amelia's reign of terror. However, this too was a product of Eirlys' hard work, as well as the knights who were working under her command.

Originally, the witchspawn had run rampant in the capital as they did in the territories of the other duchies, but through careful tactical maneuvers and hard-hitting guerilla strikes, Eirlys and those brave enough to heed her call had managed to push the witchspawn back until they were forced to patrol only around the Spire's base. Of course, they attacked somewhat frequently during the day in an attempt to dislodge Eirlys' position or simply to maintain an element of attrition, but the knights managed to deal with them thanks to several artifacts produced by two senior knights by the names of Brennal and Verdia.

Apparently, they had stolen them from the capital's main cathedral with the help of a rather mischievous cardinal several months ago. At the time, they had questioned the purpose for such dishonorable deeds, but their benefactor had assured them that it was for a good cause. Only now did those artifacts show their true worth.

"You know, Carnwennan is one of those." Eris remarked as Medrauta made a comment on the dubious identity of this so-called benefactor. She had been sent back by Scarlet to escort Medrauta and Viviane. Normally, such a duty would have fallen to Rosaline and Leticia, but the pair supposedly had other business to address.

"Yeah? Are they all wyrblades like your dagger, then? How the hell did this mysterious 'benefactor' even find out about them?"

Eris shrugged, responding with a simple "I don't know" despite Medrauta clearly aware that Eris knew more than she was letting on.

"Well, whatever." Medrauta sighed, shaking her head and dropping the matter. "If you're not gonna share, you're not gonna share. I've had enough of all these secrets for now, 'cause honestly, I'm just glad to be back."

Viviane nodded in agreement, a nostalgic smile on her lips as they passed by the courtyard on the way to the administrative building. Apparently, the staff offices were being used as the officers quarters and a meeting with Eirlys was the first thing on their plate.

"Do you think they kept our rooms in the same shape? I think I could do with a fresh change of clothes. Maybe even a bath, if time and resources permit..."

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