Chapter 136 - Toward Destiny

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"This wasn't what I imagined when you said you would be taking over the duchy, Lady Castellia."

"Likewise, but the situation has changed. Besides, isn't this what you and Baron Dietrich wanted anyway?" Viviane spread her hands apart in a casual gesture as she replied to Marilyn.

Around two days had passed after the successful capture of the duchy's capital. Within that span of time, Sakura and Riku had ridden back to Higashi in an attempt to inform their country of the developments in the empire. Meanwhile, Viviane wasted no time ensuring that their victory rang loud and clear across the whole of the territory. After gathering the duchy's marquis together and removing all the strange changes Bastiche had implemented, Viviane began taking measures to get the duchy back on its feet.

Unfortunately, a rather concerning report had just come in around thirty minutes ago. The courier was drenched in sweat and his exhausted face made it obvious that he hadn't been out of the saddle for even a second during his excruciatingly hurried ride from the duchy's border gates. Though Viviane wished to question him, the man clearly had no business remaining awake, much less answering questions.

Luckily, the courier carried a letter with him. After the man was secured a warm bed in a secluded area of the castle, Viviane gathered the nobles of her newly assembled ducal council, sequestering themselves within the war room as they went over the alarming news contained within the missive. It was not simply a local lord or a marquis rebelling against Viviane's rule, nor had it been something as easily remedied as a request for food or supplies from some of the outer regions in the duchy.

Had it been something as elementary as that, there would have been no need for Viviane to even make her latest suggestion.

"It... It was. But not anymore, Lady Castellia. You've shown yourself a fine and capable ruler despite your extremely brief tenure here. I'm sure your parents would be proud once they hear of your exploits after the war's conclusion. You need only send a group of knights out to deal with this situation while you remain here."

Viviane shook her head. "No. This is something only Medrauta and I can do. Besides, passing control over to you and a trusted group was always part of the plan. I told you when we first spoke on the matter, didn't I? I needed to return to the academy sooner rather than later, and this is the perfect opportunity for me to pass my duties on to you. The duchy itself is rather stable, but its borders are slowly beginning to crumble. There is no group of knights who can weather the dark storm that besets us, Dame Marilyn."

Medrauta crossed her arms, nodding in assent. "My lady is right, Dame Marilyn. These are not your average monsters. Even the beasts of the Mana Wastes cannot compare to the terrors that damn witch has unleashed upon the empire. I worry for my friends in the capital, but more than that, I worry for the forces fighting in the north. We must destroy the source of those terrible creatures as soon as possible, and that means reaching the spire."

"...But... I don't get it. If you were this willing to dive back into the fray, then why did you try so hard to bring this duchy under your control, Lady Castellia? Were you not hoping to establish a stronghold and a safe haven in the midst of this nation's great turmoil?" Dame Marilyn frowned, not understanding the noblewoman's intentions at all.

"No, of course not. As you said, this country's balance hangs upon the existence of four ducal families keeping one another in a friendly state of check. With House Revelo now vanquished, there is nothing stopping a noble with any large measure of troops from attempting to seize power. However, even the most foolhardy and power-hungry noble would not dare to realize such a brazen ambition when they risk raising their swords against House Castellia."

"...It seems we've been outplayed yet again," Baron Dietrich shook his head in amazement. "I truly fear the day that you become a fully-fledged duchess, Lady Castellia."

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