Chapter 200 - To the Top

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"Do you think she'll be alright...?"

"That's the sixth time you've asked this very same question, Lady Viviane." Scarlet replied.

The four of them were still ascending the staircase, yet Viviane continued casting quick glances behind them, her eyes fraught with worry as she watched Leticia and Galahad exchange rapid flurries of blows. With the aid of Rosaline's Crest, Leticia was holding her ground quite well despite Galahad's Sworn enhancements, though the traitorous prince had yet to unleash the full power of his wyrblade.

"She'll be fine," Medrauta said reassuringly. "Look how she parries Galahad's cuts. She's letting the heavier blade do the work for her as it slides down her own, conserving her stamina and strength to deliver those ripostes."

Just as Medrauta finished explaining, Leticia had executed a perfect counterattack after deflecting one of Galahad's attacks, thrusting her blade forward. Rosaline shouted something that likely activated an ability of her Crest, but the four were too far to hear her delicate voice within the sounds of combat. Whatever she had done, the effects seemed to be instantaneous as Galahad stumbled back and doubled over, screeching in pain.


"A-Alright..." Viviane said reluctantly, relaxing only slightly despite Medrauta's expert opinion and the seemingly effective blow that Leticia had just dealt to the former prince. Squeezing her knight's hand a little more firmly, Viviane focused her attention on ascending the tall stairway once more, noting that there was still a bit more distance to cover until they reached the next floor.

"We must be nearing the top of the Spire." Scarlet murmured. "These stairs are tall enough to ensure that there shouldn't be another floor after this one."

"Looks like we're about to find out," Medrauta said as the four of them stopped before a set of large black doors. Together, she and Eris stepped in front of their ladies and placed their hands upon the door's cool surface, pushing it open with minimal effort.

Behind the doors was a vast chamber just like Galahad and Volutia's, yet this one was not grand like the traitorous prince's nor was it empty like the former noblewoman's. Instead, it took elements from a little of both. Filled with keepsakes and mementos that evoked feelings of nostalgic regret, the room's atmosphere was a heavy one.

In the center of the room stood a man clad in black armor, his ever-present horned helmet now gone. He faced the four with a grave expression, his glowing red eyes lingering on Medrauta for several seconds before sliding away. Despite the remorse he felt in his heart, he could see in the silver-haired knight's clear blue eyes that she had already prepared herself for this confrontation, resolving to shed tears only when it was all over.

He would not take that from her.

"Captain Padraig. You were the last person I expected to see here." Scarlet said.

"...Did Medrauta not tell you?"

"She did. But I still harbored some foolish hope in my heart that you would have somehow executed yourself instead of continuing to obey the witch's orders."

"I always finish the job, Lady Scarlet. You know that."

"Perhaps a little too well." Scarlet sighed. "You should have sought me out despite the emperor's orders. I would have helped you, just like I did for Captain Verdia and Captain Brennal."

Padraig took the opportunity to free his greatsword from its sheath while Scarlet spoke, causing both Medrauta and Eris to bristle. While she hadn't fought Padraig prior to his corruption into the Walpurgisknight, she was more than aware of his reputation and skill. Originally, she had thought the Walpurgisknight nothing more than a powerful foe, but now that she had been made aware of his true identity, she could feel doubt creeping into her right hand. She clenched Carnwennan tighter, drawing courage and confidence from its hilt.

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