Chapter 170 - Awake At Last

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"I'm afraid I haven't, Dame Medrauta."

Medrauta nodded. She had already expected such an answer. After all, the word "Paladin" had gradually disappeared from the minds of the people as centuries passed by until only a handful of select individuals could recall their existence.

Now, Medrauta became one of those few. The memories she regained were not particularly significant to the nature of the "Oath" she wished to uncover, but they were precious memories nevertheless. Memories of her mother's bedtime stories and the warmth of her childhood.

Before, they were stories she could only hazily recall, but now they came to her easily. Fantastical stories of knights bravely defending innocents and tearing apart droves of witchspawn as they stood alone against the tide. At least, that was what she had once thought those stories were about. Only now did she recall that they were tales not of knights, but of Paladins.

No. Of a Paladin. As a child, Medrauta hadn't thought too deeply about her mother's stories, taking them merely as entertainment and an inspiration for her own desires. However, she now understood that they were not mere tales, but great deeds that her mother had accomplished during her time. Of course, her mother had never explicitly mentioned her involvement within these stories, nor had she ever revealed her identity as the last Paladin. At least, not until that fateful night.

Medrauta's head throbbed again as images flashed through her mind, but she ignored the pain. The crimson of flames and blood. The silver of steel, and utter despair. During those moments, she had heard it clearly when Merlynne addressed Morgana as the last Paladin.

"But I know someone who might." Scarlet said, interrupting Medrauta's train of thought.

"...Really? Who?"

Scarlet smirked. "Princess Gwenhwyfar. Unfortunately, she is currently being held at the very top of the Spire."

"Very funny." Medrauta rolled her eyes. "How do you know that's where she is, though? Last I checked, no one could track her down. Not even the Imperial Scouts."

"We ran into one of Amelia's other Sworn. Her name was Volutia, a noblewoman who attended the Imperial Academy with me. I never thought she would be a traitor to her own nation, but I suppose even I can be wrong sometimes."

"Lady Scarlet admitting she was wrong? The world must be coming to an end." Medrauta laughed.

"Oh, but it is, isn't it? I'm not sure what Amelia hopes to accomplish at the peak of her Spire, but it likely isn't anything good. Perhaps it might even spell armageddon for the rest of us."

Medrauta pursed her lips, considering the statement. Based on the words of the prophecy, she was pretty sure Amelia's goal was the revival of the Witch Queen, something that would obviously be catastrophic for the empire and the four nations that bordered it.

"...Y'know, you might be right," she said.

Scarlet merely smiled. "I know I am. In any case, we've drifted from the original topic quite significantly, haven't we? I may not have heard of your mother, but I have been familiar with the subject of Paladins and their Oaths even before encountering the shield towers. Of course, its contents were a great help in clearing up a few questions I had, but they are no mystery to me."

"Then you'll help me?" Medrauta asked hopefully.

She'd spent the past thirty minutes attempting to convince Scarlet to tutor her in the art of manipulating mana to no avail, forcing Medrauta to reveal her newly discovered lineage when all seemed lost. After learning of Medrauta's identity as the daughter of a Paladin, Scarlet's attitude seemed to shift to a more optimistic one, and now it seemed as though the noblewoman just might accept.

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