Chapter 83 - The Nature of Poison

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"Y'know, I think this is the first time I've been in a carriage ever since I became a squire."

Medrauta stared out the window of the carriage, a blissful smile on her face as she watched the passing scenery. While she held no fond memories of their destination given the fact that the Revelo duchy was the very place she spent her nightmarish childhood, she couldn't help but feel a sense of joy in this brief moment of peace that she shared with her beloved Viviane.

After all, there had been precious little time for the two of them to spend together in light of the recent events that still haunted Avalyne Academy, and despite their current trip being a mission instead of a vacation, Medrauta was determined to make the most of it.

Unfortunately, Viviane had other ideas. Sitting across from Medrauta, she leaned forward and thrust a rather long piece of parchment in the knight's face. She puffed out her cheeks in a gesture of mock annoyance, waving the parchment to draw Medrauta's attention.

"C'mon, Medrauta! Pay attention!"

Medrauta grimaced, pushing Viviane's hand aside gently. "Vivi... It's been a while since we've just been able to sit together like this and enjoy the view, so why don't we leave that aside for the moment? We'll have all the time in the world to discuss the letter."

"...You're not worried at all, are you?"


Viviane couldn't help but laugh at Medrauta's nonchalance. "That's just so like you, Medrauta."

Medrauta just shrugged. "Well, I just think there's not much point in worrying over things before we're there. Honestly, I used to plan stuff out meticulously during field training when I was a squire, but nothing ever went according to plan."

"I... I suppose so," Viviane replied hesitantly. "I've never been on anything fancy like field training exercises, so I don't have as much experience, but I'm sure it'll help if we at least review a little bit of the letter, right? Plus, there's a part that I wanted to ask you about."

Medrauta sighed. Although she really wanted to dedicate the three-day journey solely to her lady, it was obvious that Viviane wouldn't truly be able to relax until her desire to create a rough plan for the mission was sated.

The knight fixed her lady with a look of resignation. "Alright, Viviane. But... Can you at least promise me one thing?"

"Hm? What is it?"

"I'll go over the letter and stuff with you now, but... Let's just focus on us for the rest of the trip, okay?"

Viviane blushed. "Y-Yes! Of course! It's not like I don't want to spend time with you, it's just... I'm worried that if we go in unprepared, we'll get caught off-guard and get captured or something..."

Medrauta nodded, realization dawning in her eyes as she heard those final words. She regretted not being present to witness Viviane's growth, but Medrauta understood that Viviane respected the foreign lady greatly.

She must be worried because even Lady Sakura and Sir Riku were captured... Medrauta pursed her lips thoughtfully. She reached a hand out, placing it on top of Viviane's. "Don't worry, alright? We'll save Lady Sakura and Sir Riku. I won't let us get captured no matter what."

Viviane smiled warmly, and though Medrauta had successfully picked up on her lady's worries and dispelled most of them, there was still a trace of concern on Viviane's face. "...Thank you, Medrauta."

Medrauta returned Viviane's smile, leaning back in her seat after picking up the letter in Viviane's hands. She'd left most of the reading to her lady since lengthy pieces of text weren't exactly her favorite thing to go through, but she begrudgingly perused the contents now. "So... What was the question you wanted to ask me earlier?"

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