Chapter 135 - Assimilation

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"...I'm sorry, but this is preposterous, Lady Castellia."

Viviane rolled her eyes at the baron's statement, her arms crossed as she stared down at him haughtily. Medrauta had no idea where her lady had learned such behavior, but Viviane looked very much the part of a ducal heiress at the moment and the knight found it... strangely attractive. Perhaps it was the contrast between Viviane's usual gentleness and her imperious attitude now, but Medrauta couldn't help blushing even though Viviane's glare wasn't directed at her.

"Preposterous, you say? What's truly preposterous is how everyone gathered around you fought and shed blood on this battlefield but you dare downplay their accomplishments in the battle? I thought better of you, Baron Dietrich."

The baron flinched, not expecting Viviane to take such a hostile stance against him when she had been one of his staunchest allies mere seconds ago. "O-Of course not, Lady Castellia! That's not what I meant at all! I meant it would be preposterous because it would set precedents! I mean... They're soldiers, Lady Castellia. You can't expect us to—"

"To pay them?" Viviane raised an eyebrow, cold fury burning in her eyes. Honestly, she had no idea why the baron was acting like this. Based on all their interactions thus far, the baron had been a true noble who held his people's interests dear to his heart. The baron had even acquiesced to Viviane's demands almost immediately so long as he remained a chief official, but just several minutes ago, he had vehemently objected to Viviane's idea of paying the soldiers a percentage in the ducal treasury.

"Yes! I mean, no! Lady Castellia, they... They are soldiers of my barony! They are paid a stipend every month for serving in my army! If you suddenly gave everyone a small fortune, we would have no troops!" Baron Dietrich protested.

"There are soldiers who fight for more than just money, Baron Dietrich. I'm surprised you still don't understand that after seeing the destruction here." Viviane replied. "Though we have taken the capital, we have lost a great deal of troops today, and many families in your own territory have lost a member. Surely you cannot oppose me when this concerns your own people as well?"

"I... Lady Castellia. Perhaps we should speak in a place where we are surrounded by fewer people? I hardly think the battlefield is the place where we should be having this discussion."

True enough, Viviane had forced the baron to dismount upon reaching their position, setting up a few benches in what used to be the rear lines before immediately launching into negotiations. Medrauta had absolutely no idea why her lady had chosen such an inappropriate location to hold such a detailed discussion, but now the knight was fairly certain that Viviane wanted to provide transparency for all the troops who had fought courageously in the battle.

"This is where battles are fought, and I daresay our conversation could be called a battle itself." Viviane shrugged. "You needn't avoid the heart of the matter, Baron Dietrich. I know why you oppose my decision."

"...Is that so?" Baron Dietrich asked, a bead of sweat rolling down his cheek. He really didn't want to be dealing with this, especially when he was surrounded by so many armed men and women who clearly appeared to be on Viviane's side. Secretly, the baron was incredibly impressed with Viviane's talent to create a favorable environment for herself, but he also hated it at the same time.

After all, he was more than aware of his own position in this entire debate. The only reason why he had willingly accepted Viviane's assimilation of the duchy was because she had managed to earn the respect of every soldier and knight on the battlefield by not only fighting alongside them, but being instrumental in defeating Bastiche. Surrounded by such a large force in support of Viviane, the baron had no choice but to agree to her demands.

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