Chapter 97 - Insidious Sickness

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It hadn't taken Medrauta and Viviane long to find their mark.

True to the man's word, they'd found One-Eyed Jack and his men exactly where they were supposed to be. Though there was a brief scuffle, Medrauta and Viviane were now well on their way through the tunnels with their newfound guide.

"Hey, can you please put that thing away now?"

Medrauta raised an eyebrow. "No. Not until we've reached our destination."

"Fine." Jack replied in a slightly irritated tone. "But can you at least stop pointing that thing at me? It's making me nervous, and I might just forget where I'm going."

Medrauta shrugged, lowering her sword but not her guard. She kept a tight grip on Viviane's hand, making sure her lady was beside her at all times. After what happened with the man on the surface, Medrauta certainly wasn't keen on allowing Viviane out of her sight anytime soon.

Likewise, Viviane had been spooked by the unpleasant encounter and decided to cling tightly to Medrauta. After the adrenaline from being taken hostage had died down, she quickly realized how close she'd been to death and how vulnerable she was without the requisite ki to enhance her body with.

Her time at the academy had left her with a vastly reduced sense of caution thanks to the immense boost in physical capabilities that she'd developed as a result of her abundant ki reserves, even allowing her to help the knights out with moving large pieces of debris from time to time.

Despite everything, Viviane didn't exactly view it as a wholly negative experience. Her carelessness had brought her back down to earth, reminding her that in the end, she wasn't a knight. She was a noblewoman and her place was not on the front lines, but next to Medrauta, supporting her hand-in-hand.

Well... At least until I've gotten a chance to replenish those reserves. Viviane thought to herself. Of course, she'd never voice that thought, knowing full well that Medrauta would vehemently reject any course of action that placed her on the battlefield. It might be a little conceited of me, but I want to do more than just stand back and shoot...

Viviane allowed herself to indulge in a bit more wishful thinking before grounding herself once more. Other than the sound of their footsteps, the trio's journey through the tunnels had been relatively silent.

"Um... How long have they been down here?" Viviane asked.

"Eh!?" Jack jumped in surprise, not expecting the noblewoman to suddenly address him. "Uh... 'Round a week or so? Somewhere 'round there."

"I see..." Viviane nodded. What Jack said certainly matched up. Sakura and Riku had departed from the academy immediately after Amelia's betrayal two weeks ago. Given that they'd hidden themselves in Ancide for a couple days, it made sense that their presence in the underground was relatively recent.

"And have they been doing well?" Viviane continued.

Jack merely laughed. "Ma'am, no one 'does well' down here. 'Specially not foreigners who're used to livin' in cushy mansions an' high-class hotels."

"A-Ah... You're right..." Viviane pursed her lips, disappointed in herself. For a moment, she'd somehow forgotten that the tunnels were a nest for the downtrodden and destitute despite having passed by more than a few poor souls. An overwhelming sense of sadness crept over her as she realized she'd unconsciously shut those painful sights out as if they had been invisible.

Perhaps it was the fact that she was born a noble and had only ever seen the bountiful lands of her duchy or the beautiful streets of the capital, but her mind had automatically blinded her from the woes of the people who dwelled in these tunnels almost like a defense mechanism that served to protect Viviane from the evils of her world.

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