Chapter 167 - Mysterious Power

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Medrauta could see that it was going to be an uphill battle even as the enemy forces came into sight. The mountain pass the witchspawn were garrisoned within was narrow and restrictive, a choice that normally would have been advantageous for the human army due to their defensive tactics. However, the silver-haired knight wasn't deceived even for a second.

From a distance, the behemoth didn't look too large, but the fact that it was visible at all from such a great distance already hinted at its true size. With massive twin blades in its hands, the behemoth would be able to cover the entire width of the mountain pass in single swipes, preventing the human army from advancing at all.

Of course, the colossal monster would also be cleaving through its own allies, but that wouldn't be a problem given their regenerative abilities. It was a strategy that only someone with experience commanding or fighting such monsters would be able to devise, and should the commander truly be the Walpurgisknight, then that only led to more questions about his true identity.

However, the witchspawn commander's tactical skill wasn't displayed in their choice of battlefield, but rather in the careful preparation of its surroundings instead. While the human army had been kept busy by incessant waves of monsters during the previous day, the commander had busied his forces with the arduous task of sweeping the surroundings clean of foliage and shrubbery such that there was now a clear view in all directions from the mountain pass.

Of course, this field of vision went both ways, but it meant that the advancing human army had nowhere to hide their camp. In response, they were now being forced to construct palisades and blockades out of what little wood they could scrounge up from stray logs and whatever they managed to transport from the forest several miles back. Worse, they were forced to construct their defenses while wave after wave of the witchspawn menace pounded into their hastily formed shield wall.

The very moment she was freed from her duties in the rear lines, Medrauta leapt into the fray without hesitation. Due to the disparity of physical strength between herself and Eris, the command group had chosen to enlist Medrauta's aid in expedient moving the heavy supplies and construction materials that the support troops had managed to scrounge up. With only Eris and the five senior knights supporting the shield wall, the soldiers were hard pressed to hold the line, but their buckling formation somehow managed to hold until Medrauta finally joined the defense.

The silver-haired knight plowed into the enemy line, her sword flashing wildly as she decimated an entire group of misshapen monsters even as the silver light of Viviane's Crest wreathed itself around her like a veritable aurora.

What the hell did she learn...? Medrauta's movements felt impossibly light as she darted through the battlefield, cutting down foe after foe. Viviane's Crest had granted her a surge of strength that was completely incomparable to before, the overflowing strength coursing through her body so great that it felt as though it might break her body.

Medrauta raised her sword as droves of witchspawn charged toward her, feeling the raw power flow from the core of her body to her arm and finally to her sword. Though she understood nothing about the newfound power vested within Viviane's Crest, Medrauta knew she had to release some of this seemingly boundless strength in her body somehow before it tore through the too-small vessel of herself.

With a roar, Medrauta swung her sword with all her might. Although she had expected to cleave through the attacking witchspawn effortlessly, there had been absolutely no way she could have predicted the true immensity of carnage that resulted from her attack.

The soldiers in the shield wall behind Medrauta stood still for a moment, gawking at the sheer magnitude of destruction her single swing had wrought. Even Eris and the senior knights stared with their mouths agape, barely able to comprehend what had just happened. Despite their obvious surprise, the one who had been shocked the most was Medrauta.

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