Chapter 114 - Before the Interrogation

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"N-Nooo! T-This wasn't the deal!"

Medrauta handed the struggling Marcus to the guards without even batting an eyelash. "I said I'd let you live, not that you'd go free," she replied before turning her attention to the guardsmen. "Place this man in a cell. The baron will hear his case after Revelo fief is handled."

Though her treatment of the man had been rough, his existence was a liability to the baron's plans, and with the march beginning tomorrow, Medrauta didn't want to leave any loose ends. Besides, it's not as if they were going to torture Marcus in the dungeons. After all, he had already given up all the information he knew, and Baron Dietrich was by no means a cruel man.

"...I hope he doesn't get executed." Viviane murmured as she and Medrauta made their way to the castle. It was still early in the morning, but the pair had no doubt that Marilyn and the baron were already busying themselves with preparations for tomorrow's march.

"That'll probably depend on him," Medrauta replied. "Execution is usually the punishment for betraying your fief's lord, but I think the baron might just let Marcus get away with it if he hasn't shared too much vital information. Besides, the baron himself is technically a traitor."

Viviane laughed, finding the truth in Medrauta's words quite amusing. While the baron was aware of Bastiche's treachery against Duke Revelo thanks to the information he had received from Marilyn, his thoughts of rebellion had been fomented by Bastiche's dubious actions long before the senior knight's arrival.

"Yes, I suppose that is also true." Viviane grinned. The pair arrived at the castle's front gates after a couple minutes of walking, the guards quickly opening the gates as they approached.

As expected, the two of them found Baron Dietrich and Marilyn already hard at work in the war room. There were a few dedicated scholars who were present, but the room certainly wasn't as busy as it was the other day.

"Good morning, Baron Dietrich." Viviane curtsied as she stepped into the room. Medrauta stood by her lady silently, directing her gaze toward a scholarly-looking individual in the room who seemed to be busying themselves with various documents pertaining to the army's logistics.

Well, that saves us the trouble of tracking him down. Medrauta thought as she scrutinized the man's actions. She stared intently at him, realizing he was none other than Lord Henri, the baron's personal advisor. While he didn't control any cities within the fief, Lord Henri essentially possessed unrestricted access to the baron and the fief's resources as Baron Dietrich's most trusted retainer.

Based purely on the evidence that she and Viviane collected, Lord Henri was no doubt one of the prime suspects since he wielded both power and money second only to the baron. However, Medrauta couldn't think of a single reason why the man would want to betray his liege. After all, he was in a very secure position and had earned Baron Dietrich's unwavering trust throughout his lengthy tenure.

As a commoner who only managed to obtain a station of nobility thanks to Aluvsha blessing him with a Crest, Lord Henri's position was highly coveted and not one that Medrauta could imagine sacrificing for any reason, especially considering the bond that the lord had fostered with Baron Dietrich over so many years.

In fact, the baron trusted Lord Henri so much that he was willing to allow his advisor's knight to remain in the room while his own was absent. Walking purposefully, the knight in question was now making her way toward Medrauta after noticing the silver-haired knight's scrutinizing gaze.

"Something the matter, girl?" The green-haired knight was around a head taller than Medrauta, allowing her to look down at the silver-haired knight with ease as she stepped invasively close.

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