Chapter 199 - False Hopes; False Promises

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"What the hell is this?" Medrauta's eyes widened as she cast her gaze around the room.

What laid before her was perhaps the most grandiose sight she had ever seen, and although the way back down had closed behind her with an audible thunk, she had barely noticed it in the midst of the distracting glory that surrounded her.

The walls were draped in curtains and banners of velvet whereas the marble floor was lined with a multitude of expensive carpets that ran across the entirety of the vast room. Unlike Volutia's vacuous chamber, various ornate pieces of furniture decorated the interior of this floor, ranging from gilded beds to filigreed tables and even chairs. Not a single piece of furniture was without extensive ornamentation, and even the windows were beautifully stained, creating artistic patterns that surpassed even those seen in the capital's cathedral.

Though the room was clearly made for overly lavish habitation, it was far more akin to a treasury than anything else. In fact, mountains of gold and weaponry that appeared more decorative than functional were piled throughout the chamber, glittering brightly in the multicolored light that streamed through the windows. Even Scarlet was surprised at the room's decor despite being accustomed to luxury.

However, not even such a vain and garish display could outshine the most distracting piece of the entire shimmering collection. Across from the group of six was a tall, gilded throne that was lined with red cushions. Upon it sat none other than the former prince, Galahad.

He shifted his position as the six approached him, a lazy smirk on his face as the knights and nobles could do nothing but be awestruck by the unnecessary opulence he had adorned his chamber in. Pitch-black armor like the Walpurgisknight's adorned his body, his once-pink hair now a deathly shade of white.

Scarlet was the first to break free from the mesmerizing sight of the room's expensive decor. She stepped forward without hesitation, striding toward Galahad purposefully. Despite her knight's protests, she soldiered on, advancing toward the seated prince with an aura of anger and disappointment that was almost palpable.

"So it's true." Scarlet said. "You really did betray your own country."

Galahad merely laughed. "An interesting choice of words, Scarlet. To say that I 'betrayed' my country would imply that it had done anything for me at all."

Scarlet's eyes narrowed. "The empire gave you a home. It educated you, clothed you, fed you. The empire raised you, Galahad. And this is how you repay everyone who ever served you? I've known vagrants with more honor than you."

Galahad's face twisted into an expression of irate irritation as he shot up from his throne, the plates of his pitch-black armor clinking from the sudden movement. For a moment, it seemed as if he would draw his sword and strike Scarlet, but he managed to control himself despite the fury within.

He had held back not for Scarlet's sake, but for the sole reason that he still had things to say. Once he drew the greatsword on his back, violence would become the only language spoken by anyone in the room.

"Do not speak to me of honor, wench." Galahad spat. "You know nothing of what I have suffered."

Scarlet raised an eyebrow. "And yet, you sit here surrounded by riches and vanity. Things you always had, only not in such excess. Was this truly all it took to buy your loyalty?"

"Of course not." Galahad scoffed. "These treasures may be beautiful, but they are merely a product of my efforts. You see, I took the liberty of taking back everything my sister stole from me. Is it not right that the future emperor should be surrounded by riches?"

"...You cannot be serious. I do not know what the witch promised you, but you cannot become emperor, Galahad."

"I can. Once my sister is sacrificed for the ritual, her right of inheritance shall be passed onto me."

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