Chapter 36 - Sunset

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"N-No! That's impossible!"

Gwenhwyfar's eyes widened in disbelief as she stared at the scene before her.

The white-hot flames which represented certain victory were currently being pushed back through Medrauta's sheer will.

Empowered by Viviane's Crest, Medrauta's thrust bore strength that far surpassed logic.That strength had once been great enough to bridge an impossible distance, and now it was capable of pushing back even the sun.

"Haaaah!" Medrauta pushed forward, the tip of her sword somehow unaffected by the flames that it was holding back. Perhaps the power of Viviane's Crest extended to the weapon she wielded as well, but she did not know. Now was not the time to question such things.

Now was the time to advance.

"G-Gaaah!" Galahad winced as he struggled to hold his position. His arms shook violently as he wrestled for control of the beam even as its heat and energy was gradually being blown back toward him.

"Viviane! Now!" Medrauta shouted.

"Got it!" Viviane brought her bow to full draw and released, allowing it to sing its deadly song. A black-shafted arrow spat forth and streaked through the air.

"Aaaaaugh!" Galahad howled in pain as the arrow buried itself into his knee, causing him to buckle instantly. His stance collapsed and his arms faltered, the beam shooting up into the sky where it rapidly dissipated into nothing.

Galatine clattered to the ground beside him as he sank to one knee, fixing Viviane with a glare of anger and hatred. Not only had he lost as a knight, but he was also humiliated. Had it been Medrauta who caused him to drop his weapon and bested him, that would have been acceptable.

But to lose hold of his weapon and to be brought low by a noble who was but a mere duke's daughter? It was absolutely unthinkable.

"K-Knight out!" Trista's voice resounded over the stadium. "Lady Gwenhwyfar, do you wish to c—"

"SILENCE!" Galahad roared as he staggered to his feet. He had retrieved Galatine on his way up and wrenched the arrow free from his flesh through sheer will. "I will NOT be struck down like this!"

Despite his protests, his knee clearly did not share his resolve as he quickly collapsed again as soon as he attempted to take a step forward.

Medrauta paid the prince no mind. There was no need, and doing so out of pity would only exacerbate the situation. Instead, she looked upward at the dais where Gwenhwyfar still stood, stoic and silent.

She looked down upon them with a passive gaze, as if she was disconnected from everything that had just happened. No. As if everything she was seeing was nothing more than an illusion.

The two stared at one another without speaking for a brief moment, but it would be the princess' voice that broke the silence between them.

Yet, her words were addressed to neither Medrauta or Viviane.

"Stand up, Galahad."

In response, Galahad thrust the point of his sword into the ground and hefted himself up once more. Nothing but determination and rage remained in the man's body. Even if he were missing all his limbs, he would continue to fight.

"Good." The princess said. "Now fight."

Galahad swung his sword.

Medrauta leaned backwards, and it sailed past her harmlessly.

"Gah!" Without anything to resist his massive sword's momentum and only one working leg, Galahad was swept off his feet by the force of his own attack. He fell to the ground pathetically, his anger only growing.

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