Chapter 187, Part 3 Finale - Promises

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Viviane leapt off her horse, falling straight into her beloved knight's arms without hesitation. She squeezed Medrauta tightly, relief flooding her body as she saw that her knight was unharmed. The enormous sphere of black-red mana still hovered ominously above the shield tower, but its presence didn't concern Viviane at the moment. All she wanted to do was make up for her absence as best she could.

"I'm so glad you're alright," Viviane murmured, burying her face in Medrauta's chest. "...I'm sorry I had to leave."

Medrauta shook her head, her silver hair swaying in the wind. "Don't be sorry, Vivi. There are times when we each have our own places to be."

"But I want mine to be by your side. Always." Viviane said, her doe-like eyes staring into Medrauta's in an almost pleading fashion. "Can't I?"

"There's no one else I'd rather have by my side, Vivi." Medrauta replied, gently caressing her beloved lady's cheek. Had the sphere of black-red mana not been casting a glow that dyed their surroundings crimson, she probably would have leaned in for a kiss. "But right now, there's somewhere we both have to be."

"...Yeah." Viviane reluctantly released Medrauta from her embrace, stepping back to gaze at the full glory of her knight's battle-weary body. Though the silver-haired knight had emerged unscathed from her confrontation with the Walpurgisknight, the battle had still taken quite a heavy toll on her stamina.

Medrauta offered Viviane a smile before turning around, facing the shield tower where the statue of her mother awaited. She steeled her resolve as she moved forward, no longer plagued by the sudden fits of headaches and nausea resulting from the resurfacing of her sealed memories.

Viviane followed Medrauta into the building, noting that something significant had changed about her. The knight's back was always wide and poised, but now her powerful shoulders seemed to be even broader as if some incredibly heavy burden had been lifted from them at last.

It must've happened during her duel... Though she wished to ask what had transpired between Medrauta and the Walpurgisknight, Viviane kept her curiosity to herself. If Medrauta hadn't seen fit to speak about it immediately, she would likely do so on her own time. Right now, they needed to focus on finishing the fight.

"Is Eris alright?" Medrauta asked as she ascended a spiraling stairway together with Viviane. There had been no need for code words or enchanted entrances this time. The way upward was clear.

"...Yeah. It was looking a little rough at first, but she's a tough one. Her wounds were treated and she'll be alright with a couple days of rest." Viviane answered, her worried gaze lingering on her knight's face. She had expected a little more reaction from Medrauta upon passing by Morgana's statue, but the silver-haired knight hadn't given it anything more than a fleeting glance.

"That's good to hear," Medrauta nodded. Her eyes were fixed forward, and aside from a few casual glances toward Viviane while they walked, she made no effort to acknowledge any depictions of her mother, including a rather large painting they passed by on one of the floors.

"Um... Medrauta?"


"How... How much did you remember?"

"Everything." Medrauta answered plainly. "I remember everything."

"...I see." Viviane murmured. "Your mother's relationship with you... How was it?"

Medrauta shrugged. "I guess the best word to describe it would be 'infrequent.' But whenever she was there, it was warm. I just... didn't know much about her, I suppose."

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