Could have been?

13 4 0

I remember the day I met you. 

We met through a friend that both of us knew. 

We both lived in the same place but not the same building.

You lived right next to the little park. 

I would go there every day and not know of your existence until I met that friend, and he led me to you.

You were two years older than me.

I liked you. 

Your looks took a part in that, but your personality took over so much more.

You had medium length hair, almost a black shade of brown. 

Your eyes were the most precious green I had ever seen.

You had braces just like me. 

Such a cutie.

You were so much taller than me. 

I loved looking up at you, hoping I could reach you one day.

You had asked me if I wanted my first kiss and if I cared to even get a chance to have one. 

I said no, not really. 


Why did I say those words to you? 

Back then, I wasn't a hopeless romantic like I am now. 

But I knew you gave me more than butterflies in my stomach. 

I just hadn't noticed.

It's now 3 years later, and I have never had a first kiss. Would you have been mine if I had answered differently?

I think of you all the time. 

I'm sure you don't think of me and that is just fine. 

I love having memories of you. 

I just wished I could have had more time with you.

Thanks for being my maybe.

Word Count- 255

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