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"Hao hyung," Hanbin called as soon as the bell rang, causing his seat mate to turn and look at him. He continued, "Would you like to have lunch with me and my friends?"

Zhang Hao looked down, thinking it over before nodding his head lightly and muttering a small 'yes'. His answer made Hanbin smile widely as he gently took ahold of the older male's hand before walking out of the classroom, leading him to the school canteen.

As soon as the duo walked in through the double doors, the constant muttering of the students stopped. Only a few occasional whispers were heard as the pair made their way towards a specific table.

"Hanbin hyung!" a male called out from the table as Hanbin smiled at him.

"Matthew, hey. I didn't see you in the morning," Hanbin said, taking a seat as he patted the seat next to his, indicating that he wanted Zhang Hao to sit down. Zhang Hao awkwardly sat down, not familiar with the faces around the table.

"Oh, I was asked to carry some boxes to the storeroom by a teacher so I couldn't wait for you, hyung." Matthew said as Hanbin nodded, understandingly.

"That's okay- by the way, guys, meet Zhang Hao - he joined today. And Zhang Hao, meet my friends. Why don't you all introduce yourselves?" Hanbin suggested.

"Hey Zhang Hao, I'm Seok Matthew. It's nice to meet you!" he chirped excitedly, forwarding his hand for a handshake as Zhang Hao responded to the handshake, smiling awkwardly.

"Hello hyung. My name is Han Yu-jin, you can just call me Yujin..." another boy said, rather shyly as Zhang Hao smiled at his cutness.

"I'm Gyuvin and that's my boyfriend, Ricky!" Gyuvin said, smiling broadly as his boyfriend grumbled.

"I can introduce myself, Gyuvin. Hey, I'm Ricky," he said, going in for a handshake to which Zhang Hao gladly responded.

"Where are the others?" Hanbin thought out aloud as Gyuvin simply shrugged in response.

"Gun-wook hyung said he had some important business to take care of..." Yujin said.

"That sounds...badass!" Matthew reacted, rolling his eyes sassily.

They were eating their lunch - everyone except Matthew and Zhang Hao ate the food served in the canteen while the two ate home cooked food that they had brought along.

Matthew was allergic to the canteen food, and tended to develop irritations after eating from school, so his mother usually packed his lunch. As for Zhang Hao, he had no reason. He just didn't want to eat from the canteen.

"Hey guys" someone called out from behind Hanbin.

"Taerae!" Gyuvin exclaimed, gesturing him to sit in the empty chair next to him.

"Oh, who's this?" Taerae asked as he sat himself down, looking at the unfamiliar face with his famous wide smile. Zhang Hao took a moment to observe the boy's facial features and was mesmerized by his beautiful smile - he seemed so happy.

"This is the new student, Zhang Hao!" Ricky introduced as Zhang Hao bowed his head politely.

"The one everyone's been talking about?" Taerae asked, whispering to Gyuvin.

"Uh- yeah," Gyuvin whispered back, motioning him to remain silent in front of the boy.

"Hey Zhang Hao, I'm Kim Tae-Rae, vice-president of the Student Council. Feel free to ask for help anytime." Taerae said as Zhang Hao nodded respectfully. "Also, where's Jiwoong hyung?" he asked, looking around only to notice the absence of the mentioned male.

"I haven't seen him since yesterday. I wonder what he's upto," Ricky said. 

"Well, he caused trouble in class today. Hanbin hyung, you might need to add three more detention stickers under his name in the record," Taerae said, taking out his small pocket-sized notebook and reading the last page from it before saying, "and he's gotten bad remarks from atleast three of his teachers. Also, a student complained about him to the Council yesterday when you were absent, hyung."

CAUTION: Love Ahead! | HAOBIN |Where stories live. Discover now