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"That really doesn't make sense then" Gyu-Vin said as Yu-Jin nodded along, unsure of everything at the moment.

"But he is the only one with the surname 'Yoon' who is a part of the higher ups." Ricky insisted.

"Why are we assuming that the person is a relation of Yoon Jae-Yun? What if the person in question is just one of his friend's father or something of the sort..." Hanbin suggested.

"That can be true too," Matthew said, agreeing.

Everyone was deep in thoughts, trying to figure out the person behind the screens' identity. They racked their brains, and Yu-Jin even almost developed a minor headache from thinking too hard. As they ran out of ideas, one by one, they started letting out sighs of exhaustion.

"Lets not give up!" Jiwoong encouraged "Lets think about it for the rest of the day and gather at someone's house to think this over again later today."

"My house is free for a week since my parents are abroad for business," Gun-wook suggested as Jiwoong gave him a 'thumbs up'.

"Alright then, it's decided. Let's all meet at Gun-wook's house today in the evening and dump all our ideas about who the secret person could be." Jiwoong said in a voice that was meant to mean that his word was final. "Thinking right now, in such a hurried situation, will get us nowhere."

Everyone except Hanbin collectively agreed, standing up to leave.

"Hanbin?" Jiwoong called him, who still sat with his head down, deep in thoughts.

Hanbin looked up at his hyung before expressing himself, "I'm really scared, hyung. It's not just because it's Zhang Hao, but also because a guy like that, with such unpredictable and harmful thoughts and ideas, will be dangerous for everyone."

Jiwoong looked at him with pity in his eyes, feeling sad for the young boy who had not only the burden of his own problems, but also the problems of everyone else due to his high position. He was the one students and teachers collectively relied on the most because they knew that he was more than capable to handle any problem but little do they know that he gets tired, extremely tired too. What no one else can see, his friends can. They understand him better than anyone else. 

"Don't worry Hanbin, we're all in this together with you. You're not going to face this alone, alright? Even thought we've known Zhang Hao for lesser time than you have, he is still someone that we would stick up for, in his troubles. Only because you adore him...and not just as the school president. Don't keep denying what you feel Hanbin." Jiwoong reminded him, giving him a soft pat on the back.

"Now, let's go."

Saying so, Jiwoong walked off as the rest of the boys followed him out, some with a knowing smirk and others with an expression of disbelief.

Hanbin, left alone, stared at nowhere in confusion, going over his hyung's  words over and over, wondering if what he said was actually how he felt.

Zhang Hao, on the other hand, was sitting on a swing, swaying to-and-fro. He had taken a half-day leave after permission from his home room teacher with the excuse of feeling unwell. He couldn't bear to see Hanbin's face after what he considered a betrayal on the younger male's part.

Although he wanted to cry more and let all his feelings out, he strangely couldn't anymore. He felt empty as if he was filled with a deep, empty void that no one could fill.

Sure, he was scared of the days to come, the next chapters of his life, after hearing the news of his worst bully come back, but nothing seemed worse than the thought of not talking to Hanbin anymore.

A part of him wanted to talk it out with Hanbin and clear all the misunderstandings - to go back to how they were in the first few hours of their meet. Another part of him felt that Hanbin wasn't the ideal person to be with, considering the feeling of betrayal and hopelessness that Zhang Hao felt within after hearing him and his friends speak today.

But nonetheless his heart craved for Hanbin and he knew it too.

Zhang Hao wasn't the type to play around. If he wanted something, he knew it. He didn't act oblivious to his feelings nor did he ever come to a situation where he couldn't understand himself, and whether what he was doing was right or wrong. 

But this was the one time in his life when he felt conflicted about something. He never denied his feelings for Hanbin from the very first time. Though on the outside it seemed like he never dreamed of having a chance with Hanbin, only he knew how much he liked the younger and wished to be his.

Not even for a second did he doubt his feelings for the latter as something other than a strong desire of like.

And this was the problem.

He couldn't forgive the younger male for hiding something that was concerned with his own life.

Why did Hanbin think it was okay to tell his friends about my problems first, but not me? Zhang Hao wondered in despair.

"Zhang Hao hyung!" he heard someone call him and looked back. 

What is he doing here? Zhang Hao wondered, half-panicking.

"Hey..." Matthew greeted with a half-hearted smile while settling himself on the other swing, beside him. 

Zhang Hao, not wanting to face Matthew, turned to face his front.

"Look, I'm sorry on behalf of Hanbin's hyung. He shouldn't have spilled your personal problems so openly to us before consulting you and asking if you were comfortable with us knowing," Matthew started, "I'm not trying to defend him, but you must understand his side as well..."

"Why...did he do it then..." Zhang Hao said after taking a deep breath, mentally bracing himself for what was yet to come.

"Hanbin hyung is a very open person, as you already know. He isn't usually concerned much about anything unless he absolutely has to care, unless it affects him in some way too. And he has to care...when it comes to you, hyung." Matthew softly spoke, trying to hide his own emotions behind his consoling voice.

"He care for you, hyung, and he wants to keep you safe - and that is one thing I know for sure. He told us about it because we are his closest friends and he trusts us as much as he has started to trust you in one day..."


Well it's quite obvious, even to the readers, that you like Zhang Hao, Hanbin! So when are you planning to confess?

What's that?- I can't hear you, Hanbin-ah- huh? Louder, dude- wait, I still can't hear you!

Never mind, I guess we'll wait for the later chapters to find out!

CAUTION: Love Ahead! | HAOBIN |Where stories live. Discover now