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"Zhang Hao..." Hanbin whispered, his own eyes starting to fill with tears, as the older male stared at him with betrayal and anger in his eyes.

"Why...?" Zhang Hao asked, his voice cracking as he spoke.

The whole world was silent, letting them make the noise. 

Not a single sound was heard, not even from the others who had now come to realize the situation and were standing still.

The cold wind sent shivers down Zhang Hao's spine as he tried, undeniably failing to get over the feeling of betrayal that was growing in him by the second.

Somewhere in his heart, he knew it wasn't Hanbin's fault for keeping all of this a secret; he knew Hanbin had done it to not scare him away, but he didn't want to accept that. 

He didn't want to believe what he had heard.

He didn't want to think of what would happen if he came back.

He was afraid. 

Looking at the trembling figure, Hanbin couldn't help but move closer in order to comfort the boy but was met with a disappointing reaction when Zhang Hao moved away, turning his back on him.

"Zhang Hao!" Hanbin called desperately as the said boy walked off, his hands tightly clutching his pants out of fear.

"Wait wait!" Hanbin said, hurrying after him but was halted when a hand grabbed his arm, stopping him from going further. He turned around to see Jiwoong.

"Jiwoong hyung, let me go! Zhang Hao, wait! Hyung, please!" Hanbin cried out but Jiwoong kept a firm grip on his arm.

"Hanbin, let him go. He looks like he needs to calm down." Jiwoong said.

"I'll help him, hyung! Let me go!" Hanbin tried, struggling.

"The boy was trembling and finding it hard to breath, Hanbin. He needs to find peace within himself to calm down...he does not need you now!" Jiwoong exclaimed, dragging back Hanbin with much force.

Hanbin stopped struggling upon hearing his hyung's last few words.

He does not need you now


He does not need you now

"I said NO"

He does not need you now

"Shut up!"

"Stop!" Hanbin yelled, his eyes firing up. He wasn't angry, he was just hurt and everyone around him knew it. He portrayed his emotions very openly to his close ones.

"Denying it doesn't make it better, Hanbin." Jiwoong stated firmly. "Just give the boy some time and talk to him when he isn't freaking out."

"That's right, Hanbin hyung. Why don't we sit down and talk about the new boy? To help figure out the situation better?" Matthew softly suggested as Hanbin reluctantly nodded.

They sat down as no one dared to speak first.

And being the eldest, Jiwoong took command and started speaking first. "So, about Yoon Jae-Yun, when is he re-joining the school again?" 

Hanbin sighed and said, "Today morning, the  Principal told me that one of the old students of the school is coming back after a long break. I would've never guessed that it was the same boy who pushed Zhang Hao had Min- the student not told me. And according to my uncle, he is joining the day after tomorrow..."

"What?!" Tae-Rae exclaimed, surprised.

"As I said, he must have already had the entire thing planned before pushing Zhang Hao. See! He even got easy admission without going through all the processes!" Jiwoong said.

CAUTION: Love Ahead! | HAOBIN |Where stories live. Discover now