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It felt like the ground was slipping under his feet; Hanbin could not process the words. 

He was not shocked at the revelation of Zhang Hao having a boyfriend, but rather at the fact that his own boyfriend had tried to murder him.

But even if he had a lot of faith on the older, he still couldn't believe that he was pushed.

It's not that he didn't believe him but Hanbin was more of a practical thinker. He wanted reasons for things to believe in them. And so far, he didn't have a proper reason to question whether Zhang Hao was really pushed or not. He couldn't even ask Zhang Hao for the reason because Zhang Hao said that he was comfortable with opening up to him yet.

He is speaking the truth, right? thought Hanbin as he looked down at the crying male before kneeling down beside him.

"You believe me, right Hanbin?" Zhang Hao asked with hope in his eyes. 

But Hanbin couldn't answer.

Heck, he couldn't even open his mouth!

He knew he trusted Zhang Hao but there was something that was stopping him from revealing that to the boy.

As the seconds passed, without any response, Zhang Hao seemed to have understood the final answer. He chuckled sadly to himself before getting up from the ground and wiping his tears.

What did I even expect? Zhang Hao mocked himself, his sadness consuming him.

"I must have been a fool thinking that you would listen to me and believe my words, Sung Hanbin." he spat. "I thought that I finally found someone who would understand me and feel my pain, but it's not you, huh? Then again, everything must have been a game to you!"

Hanbin's sad gaze lingered on the boy for a while before breaking eye contact, looking down with shame. He got up from the ground and stood in front of Zhang Hao as they both had tears in their eyes, but for different reasons.

"No hyung. Nothing related to you is a game to me! I just-" Hanbin's words were cut off as Zhang Hao laughed.

"Oh really? What about the kiss then?" 

Hanbin was left speechless as Zhang Hao stared right into his eyes. 

Why did Zhang Hao think the kiss was a game?

"How naïve of me to think I've finally found someone to care of me and listen to me just because of what could have been a kiss, huh?! How stupid of me to trust you so much even if I only met you for the first time today! I fell into your trap thinking you actually liked me when it was all just a game to you!" Zhang Hao yelled. 

Hanbin could only stare at Zhang Hao with watery eyes as he didn't know how to justify himself. If there ever was a time in his life when he felt utterly helpless, it was now. He didn't know what to do or say to comfort the weeping boy who was pouring all his emotions out.

He didn't know if he liked Zhang Hao.

All he knew was that he cared for the other, more than anyone.

There was no wind and the trees had stopped moving. There were so sounds of chirping of birds. It seemed like the whole universe became silent watching the feud between the two.

Amidst the unwavering silence, the only thing that could be heard was Zhang Hao's weeps as every sound he let out sounded painful.

Hanbin finally decided to speak out after debating with himself, "Hyung, I really do care for you and I'm more than willing to listen to you. It's just've never given me a proper reason to believe you. I don't know why anybody would push you! Out of spite? No one would hate you and I know that you would not hurt anyone too. So it just doesn't make sense that someone would consciously push you," as Hanbin said this, the weeping boy looked up at Hanbin with glossy eyes. 

"You...don't know anything?" Zhang Hao asked with a dry voice, his eyes holding despair and longingness. When Hanbin shook his head, Zhang Hao stood still, "I thought...your uncle told you everything about me. I thought...that that was why you wanted to go back from this place and not listen to my explanation..." Zhang Hao trailed off as Hanbin looked down.

Hanbin was finally feeling better seeing that the misunderstanding was cleared but he knew there was lot more to clear.

Hanbin was bothered by the fact that Zhang Hao thought he knew everything from his uncle. 

Does he think I'm some privileged, spoilt brat just because my uncle is the principle? Hanbin wondered, feeling sad at the thought.

He had never once used his uncle or father's name or power for anything. When Zhang Hao said that, it felt like he was accusing Hanbin of prying out every personal detail and secrets of a student using his connections. He didn't like anyone thinking that he was him because of the power of his family.

"Do you think I'm that type of person, Hao hyung?" Hanbin asked, the hurt clearly visible in his eyes. 

They wordlessly stared at each other; neither being able to utter another word. The sky was cloudy and it was starting to darken, probably bringing along a shower. Oh, how right. Just at that moment, large raindrops started falling from the clouded sky, startling the boys.

Hanbin grabbed Zhang Hao's hand and ran across the trees, the older struggling to keep up with his pace. They ran as the rain started getting stronger along with the harsh winds that were hitting both of their faces as they raced forward. This would have been such a romantic moment had it not been awkward for the boys before.

They were completely drenched by the time they reached the school and Hanbin rushed with Zhang Hao to get to the school's parking before they were caught in the school this late.

He pulled his hand away as soon as they entered the parking lot and worked on unlocking his cycle's lock with his key. They were now not getting rained on as the parking had an overhead roof.

"Are you going home?" Zhang Hao asked, watching Hanbin and his hands working rapidly, struggling to unlock access to his cycle.

"We are. I'm dropping you home," Hanbin said, as he sighed with relief, successful in removing the lock. 

"Wait!" Zhang Hao said, shocked. "I'm not coming with you!" he exclaimed, frustrated.

"You can't stay here, Hao hyung," Hanbin said, getting onto his cycle by swinging his right leg over his cycle, looking unnecessarily cool. 

"I can just wait here till the rain subsides. There is even a shelter." Zhang Hao tried reasoning.

"The security comes in to check every 20 minutes due to the silly things the students of the school do in the parking area. If we don't leave now, we'll be in big trouble!" Hanbin exclaimed, grabbing Zhang Hao's hand and pushing him towards him. "Get on, hyung! I don't wanna get caught!"

Hesitatingly, Zhang Hao got on the cycle's back seat, with much struggle because of his absolute resolution to not touch Hanbin. Hanbin might have already sensed his hesitation seeing as to how he whipped his head around and proceeded to wrap Zhang Hao's hands around his waist.

Zhang Hao froze, but he didn't have time to comprehend the situation and remove his hand as Hanbin was already speeding away, his legs pedaling at an extremely fast pace.

Moving out of the school gate, they rode on the empty streets. Neither of the boys were getting much wet because of Hanbin's fast and rash driving. The only problem was that the wind was blowing the rain in their direction and it was hitting their face. But they didn't care.

The security that comes in to check every 20 minutes? What nonsense, Hanbin!, Hanbin thought before smiling, looking down at his hyung's arms that were still encircled around his waist, being unaware of the fact that the older male was also looking at his arm being wrapped around a boy's waist.

A boy he likes.

But you're the same as him, Hanbin, Zhang Hao thought as the rain hit his face, hiding his tears.

CAUTION: Love Ahead! | HAOBIN |Where stories live. Discover now