Twenty Five

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"Even though it is obvious who is telling the truth, we still have to make sure." Gunwook stated. "I propose we start from the person we trust more in this scenario. Mrs. Yoon."

"But she already resigned. How will we find her?" Gyuvin asked, confused. 

They all fell into silence as each of them tried to think of a way to meet the resigned arts teacher. Only Gunwook and Zhang Hao knew at least something about her, but that didn't include her home location. 

No matter how much they racked their brains, no one could think of a solid plan, until-

"There seems to be no other way." Hanbin said, pausing  as he looked towards Tae-Rae who in turn stared at him in bewilderment, understanding the other male's thought process. 

"No way..." he murmured. 

"That is our only option." Hanbin sighs. "Let's go through the teacher's record of the school. It contains all details of a teacher; their biography, contacts, and home addresses."

"But isn't that maintained by the Principal's secretary, Miss Lea?" Gunwook asked.

"It is, but it is kept in the Principal's room...under his very nose..." Tae-Rae sighed. "It'll be near impossible for us to get our hands on it."

"Can't Hanbin do it? Isn't he the Principal's nephew?" Zhang Hao asked, innocently. 

Matthew looked at Hanbin, who was deep in thoughts, and clarified, "Hanbin hyung never uses his connections at school. Besides, it wouldn't not be suspicious if he just asked for the teacher's record out of nowhere." 

"Yeah...the last thing we want is people suspecting us of doing something out of the ordinary. Most of them are even part of the Council; it wouldn't sit right with their position if they mishandled their power." Jiwoong stated, going back to thoughts about his own days as President.

Hanbin looked towards Zhang Hao who now looked forlorn. He was a guy with principles that he strictly adhered to. But the situation required him to think about his friend more than himself. 

Hanbin was a guy with great care and respect towards everyone. He always believed that he had some sort of obligation towards his school mates due to being the President, and under that pressure he took a lot of his decisions.

Zhang Hao's life is in danger as long as he holds onto that pen drive and by the look on his face, it doesn't seem like he is going to give it up any soon, Hanbin thought, the only way to keep him safe will be to expose Jae-Yun's game and for that I will have to...

"I'll do it. I'll get the record from my uncle. But I'll have to pass on the information you've told us, Hao hyung. He will need a reason to give it to me." Hanbin stated.

"Do you...have to...?" Zhang Hao murmured, unsure whether the Principal could be trusted or not.

"Don't worry. My uncle isn't one of those who are easily influenced by the school management. He won't reveal your secrets if you do not want it." Hanbin reassured. "But I can't steal it, without letting him know."

Hanbin, with that statement, had made his stand clear. He would help Zhang Hao as much as he could but not with the prospect of theft. 

Zhang Hao who had thought otherwise, was put into an internal conflict. 

Would it help him if his secrets were known by one more person? Or would it put him in more of a danger?

"...alright. I think I can trust your uncle in this, Hanbin." Zhang Hao said, after minutes of awkward silence. 

Hanbin nodded lightly with an easing smile, as Matthew said, "If that's over, why don't we all disperse? Or anyone in for a sleepover?!" 

"Yes!" Yujin yelled, jumping excitedly.

"Let's do it!" Gunwook said fist-pumping Gyuvin as Zhang Hao and Hanbin shared a meaningful, trusting look in the background of the fuss.

"You know that it's not right, Hanbin..." came a voice from behind the door, seemingly in a disagreement with the school President.

"Please, uncle. Just this once," Hanbin pleaded as his uncle shook his head, "I'd never have asked you this if I had any other choice. Now that I've told you the whole story, please help me out."

"I understand how you boys are feeling for Zhang Hao, but there are still certain rules you guys must follow. And digging up about a teacher who left the school is definitely none of your business."

"But we need it; only Mrs. Yoons', please."

"Although I understand the circumstances, it is not right Hanbin." the Principal stated firmly.

Hanbin let out a frustrated sigh, "It wasn't right what Jae-Yun did to Zhang Hao either. You know, he told me yesterday that he trusted you to help him. You weren't available to a student to come to his help 3 years ago; at least help him now..." he said, sounding desperate. 

His uncle softly sighed but said nothing. 

"Please think it over," said Hanbin, deciding to give him some time to think. 

It was a big decision to be made; compromising the trusted data of the staff was not an easy thing. 

"I'll come over during lunch to see if you are willing by then." Hanbin said bowing, "Have a good day, Sir."

He left the room as the Principal was left deep in his own thoughts.

"Why'd you call me here?" a husky voice resonated in the private area of the 2nd floor. 

"I have news." another male said. "They are trying to dig up information of the past. It seems like they suspect some mishap to have occurred when the crime was being done."

"And the pendrive?" 

"He has it. Still has it..."


How is this news reaching a third party? Are there any traitors or is it just a coincidence?

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