Twenty Six

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"What's taking Hanbin hyung so long?" Matthew asked, glancing at his watch for the third time in the past ten minutes. 

The group, including Zhang Hao, were waiting for Hanbin who had went to the Principal's room. It was dismissal time and the entrance was crowded with students filing out, rushing to get home. 

The Principal was unavailable when Hanbin had gone earlier that day so he did as he was told by Miss. Lea -to check in before dispersal. 

But the boys -most of them- were not known for being very patient and they grew restless as time passed by. 

Originally their plan was to get the information about the ex-teacher from the Principal and meet her on the same day without delaying it, but in each of their minds they could sense the possibility of Hanbin coming back empty-handed. And that possibility kept becoming more certain the longer Hanbin took.

"There he is!" Yujin exclaimed, pointing at a panting male a few feet from them. 

There were exclamations of joy from the boys as they spotted the yellow file in Hanbin's hand -he was successful after all. 

Hanbin reached them, still out of breath, "It was a hard task..." he breathed, "getting this!" he held out the yellow file with a smile on his face.

"The Principal wouldn't give me the original copy as it contained details of all the teachers, but he picked apart those papers with information about Mrs. Yoon and compiled it in this file." he explained, flipping it open. 

But before he could scan the contents of the page with Matthew and Ricky peeking over either sides of him, a hand was put out warningly by Jiwoong. He seemed to be staring- rather, glaring at someone some distance away, behind Hanbin.

Following his line of sight, Hanbin caught the eye of the infamous Kim HyunJun, amidst the buzzing students. The bully disregarded him and fixed his gaze on Zhang Hao, giving him a sly, almost unnoticeable smirk before disappearing among the students. 

"What- was that?" Gyuvin asked, perplexed. "Why'd he look at you like that?" 

Zhang Hao shrugged, appearing nonchalant but obviously fazed by the face of his former bully as he squeezed his hands together. 

"Let's open the file elsewhere..." Matthew suggested briefly, intending to take the attention off of Zhang Hao, and it worked. 

"Let's go to the park behind the school. I don't think there'll be anyone else there at this time..." Tae-Rae suggests, knowing the school like the back of his hand, even better than Hanbin, considering he studied here longer. 

The group followed the vice-President to the back of the school through the cafeteria. They came across a locked door at the far end of the empty room as Hanbin looked at Tae-Rae. 

"What now? Do you have the keys?" he asked.

"Of course." Tae-Rae answered, taking out a bunch of keys from his pocket and holding out the biggest one to the obviously big keyhole. 

The door opened out to the lawn, in the middle of which the park was built. It was a beautiful place, with green grass, trees, butterflies and the soft sound of insects, but it was covered by four walls. 

Although it didn't feel like the walls were closing in on them because of the large area, it did seem kind of lonely. The place seemed lonely. 

The four walls were enclosing a paradise in here that almost felt like a magical disney land. The park looked to be built with marble with a silver lining. The swing and slide were painted white, giving the whole place a royal appearance.

"I've never been here. Is it shut-off?" Matthew asked, admiring the beauty of the place. 

"It is. Although I don't know the exact reason, I know bits and parts of it and it's not pleasant." Tae-Rae said. "Let's take a look at the file now."

Nodding, Hanbin opened the file as the boys huddled closer to get a good look at the papers. 

"Name- okay, Age- doesn't matter, Gender- like we don't!" Gyuvin pointed at a particular spot on the first page after sarcastically reading through the rest of it. "Address!"

Hanbin read it aloud, "That should be around here, right? I'm not exactly familiar..."

"Yeah, that's the street beside that famous sushi place." Matthew said. 

"But, the strange. I drive past that place everyday, but I've never seen a house with that address or house name." Gunwook said, scratching his head. 

"Do you think that it's possible that she doesn't live there any longer?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 27 ⏰

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