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The window, opened, let the light breeze pass and circulate throughout the well-lit class. The students seemed to be concentrating as the teacher taught about the bonding of atoms. Hanbin, who looked extremely lost, was staring out of the window with an indescribable emotion in his eyes. 

Zhang Hao who was sitting beside him had been staring at him since earlier but the lost-in-thought boy paid no attention to him.

"Hanbin," Zhang Hao called, softly nudging him. "What's wrong?" he asked, seeing that he finally gained the other male's attention.

"It's nothing, Hao," Hanbin said calmly, sighing after he finished speaking.

"There is something wrong, isn't there? Even though I've known you for only one about a week, I know that you wouldn't call me Hao unless there's something else in your mind." Zhang Hao said, looking down. Hanbin raised his eyebrows, questioningly, wondering what he did wrong. "You...didn't call me 'Hao hyung'" Zhang Hao pointed out, feeling utterly disappointed.

And what's more, he felt selfish for forcing himself on Hanbin when it obviously looked like Hanbin was under a lot of mental stress.

"Oh! Sorry, Hao hyung; I'm just under a lot of stress because of the upcoming exams," Hanbin replied, lightly smiling, trying to hide his bother. 

Zhang Hao who wasn't yet satisfied, still decided to let it go because he didn't want to pressure Hanbin more.


And no more was said.

"Hey, hyung! Why did you call us here?" an always-excited Matthew asked with his wide, gummy smile, entering the rooftop with Gun-Wook, Tae-Rae and Yun-Jin behind him.

"Yeah, what happened? You looked troubled since the morning, Hanbin-ah," Ji-Woong said with concern lacing his voice.

Ji-Woong, Ricky and Gyu-Vin were already gathered at the rooftop with Hanbin. 

"I...have something to tell you guys. I thought I could keep it to myself for sometime before I got it all figured out but the pressure and strain of having such a heavy information weigh down on me, especially because it's about someone I really care about, is making me crumble..." Hanbin said, running his hands through his hair, his eyes filling up with tears.

Gyu-Vin immediately went to embrace him as Matthew said, "it's about Zhang Hao hyung, isn't it?" 

The rest of the boys, upon hearing this, stared at Hanbin with disbelief and shock. 

Never had they seen this strong young man tearing up for someone he barely knew, so of course it came off a shock.

"Hanbin, I noticed the way you looked at Zhang Hao that day and I want to ask you," Ji-Woong said, taking a deep breath, "do you like the new boy?" 

Hanbin trembled in Gyu-Vin's arms as he shook his head, indicating that he didn't know the answer to that question.

Little did they know that he had been asking himself the same question all night.

"Well, what is it, Hanbin hyung? It might be something really serious seeing that you're crying..." Ricky said as Gyu-Vin shushed the boy in his arms.

Matthew put out his hand in a 'stop' motion, wanting everyone to give a break to the crying boy so that he could tell them when he was feeling better.

After a few minutes, Hanbin took a deep breath and started, "About Zhang Hao...I'm sure you've heard of the rumors surrounding him..." he trailed off as everyone nodded collectively, in response. "But Hao hyung claims different. He...says that he was rather by some green-eyed man,"

"So, he didn't...uh-jump?" Yun-Jin asked, eyes wide.

"No, he didn't. He was pushed by some student of this school itself 2 years back. And the worst part is that that student is...coming back..."

Collective gasps and exclamations of shock was heard as the boys digested the information.

"Green-eyed man? And a student? So a male student?" Gun-Wook said, mentally analyzing the facts before concluding, "The only student in our school who has ever had different colored eyed was Yoon Jae-Yun." 

"And he had green eyes?" Yun-Jin asked, surprised.

"Not really. He had bluish eyes, deep blue; sea blue color. But I can't be too sure about it- I barely talked to him." Gun-Wook said.

"Mina said the same thing. She said that the student's eyes was blue in color, but Hao hyung said that the color of his eyes were green." Hanbin said, covering his face with his palms, feeling utterly disappointed and misguided.

"But how do you know that it's Yoon Jae-Yun who is taking admission again?" Tae-Rae asked.

Hanbin quickly thought and said, "One of the students' said that they overheard the school management talking about the boy who pushed Zhang Hao and had apparently described the boy as one with dark blue eyes. That's how I know."

"But, why is he coming back?" Gyu-Vin asked, "And why did he leave in the first place? I don't think he left because he was found guilty otherwise no one would be talking about how Zhang Hao jumped on his own will, even now."

"He submitted the transfer certificate with the reason of going abroad to stay with his mother since his father was going to be busy for the next 2 years due to his upcoming project." Gun-Wook said, filling up the blanks with all his knowledge.

"It all fits perfectly, then. He pushed Zhang Hao while already having his transfer application ready with a good enough reason to get a fast admission after 2 years. So, that means he has something bigger that he is plotting behind everyone's backs..." Ji-Woong said, alerting everyone with his choice of words.

"And he is back to implement this plan of his?" Yun-Jin asked.

"I won't know for sure, but think about it. He disappeared right after Zhang Hao quit school due to his injury with an excuse which would help him get into the school after 2 years, right when Zhang Hao returned." Ji-Woong concluded.

"But how did he know then, that Zhang Hao would return after 2 years?" Tae-Rae asked.

"That, I do not know. All I can guess is that he knows something personal about Zhang Hao that made him write that reason for the transfer application." 

Suddenly, they heard the sound of someone sobbing lightly and Hanbin's eyes widened, thinking his secret was discovered.

He got up and rushed behind the wall, with fear in his heart, only to find a weeping Zhang Hao with his hands over his mouth, suppressing his sobs with much difficulty.


I'm super sorry for uploading very rarely guys! I'm just filled with tons of schoolwork and pending stuff to do! But I'll try to upload as soon as I can!

Also, Hanbin raging would be a sight to see, but it's probably going to be in the next chapter or the one after that!

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