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"That sounds terrible," Ricky said, feeling some sympathy for the boy he met just a week and a half ago.

"What does Hanbin Hyung say?" Gyuvin, who had been silent all this while, asked.

"I haven't seen him since recess. We were supposed to have a discussion with the principal regarding the update of the Track Record, but he didn't show up." TaeRae said, sighing.

"It's not like him to miss important schedules, though," Matthew said, his eyes darting around in suspicion.

Being a model student, Hanbin was never one to be late or break his appointments, especially when it was regarding something related to the Student Council; being the President and the Head of the group of students had forced him to be perfect—something no one could ever be, no matter how hard they tried. So, it was unusual of Hanbin to not show up when he was supposed to be there.

"I know. He didn't even inform me beforehand, and the principal got angry. Thankfully, though, his secretary talked him out of it, and we were able to discuss things in peace. But the principal has things to discuss with Hanbin and asked me to find him on my way to the computer lab." Taerae said before adding, "But I have absolutely no idea where he is."

"Why don't I try calling him?" Matthew said, fishing his phone out of his pocket and scrolling through the contact list.

"Matthew, no phone during class hours." Gunwook reminded him, like the strict person he is, to adhere to the rules of the school. His face had a playful frown, indicating that he was being only half serious, seeing that no other student was around.

Phones could be brought to school but had to be switched off or put in sleep mode until recess. In other words, using the phone during class hours was not allowed and could land you in serious trouble if you were caught.

"Hyung, let it go this once." Matthew whined as he put the phone to his ear, waiting for Hanbin to answer the call.

"What happ-"

"Shush!" Ricky shushed Yujin, who had, by now, finished boasting about his amazing skills to Zhang Hao, and was wondering what the commotion was—even being shocked to see a phone in Matthew's hand in the presence of the Student Council members.

Neither Yujin nor Zhang Hao could understand what was going on since they missed most of the boys' conversation but kept silent, waiting for whoever Matthew was calling to answer.

"Hyung, where are you?"

"Why there? Don't you-" Matthew stopped all of a sudden and seemed to be concentrating on what Hanbin was saying.

"Wait, what?! Oh, now?" he said, looking around at the boys surrounding him with unreadable eyes.

"Alright, I'll tell them." Matthew said before cutting the call.

"What is it?" Gyuvin asked anxiously, seeing Matthew's tensed reaction as he looked at him.

Matthew took in a deep breath before letting out, "He has just stepped outside for a moment; he says he'll be back within half an hour."

"...that's it?" Yujin asked, feeling confused about why the others were anxious.

"I guess..." Matthew said, gesturing to Zhang Hao with the side of his eye, being careful so as not to be noticed by the person he wanted out.

Gunwook understood immediately and signaled Taerae, who nodded his head sneakily before saying, "Oh, I completely forgot! The principal had asked me to bring the Track Record to the computer lab to Miss Min.". He held up the classified file with the words 'PRIVATE' written in capital, bold letters in the middle of the cover.

"Miss. Min is going to update the Track Record?" Jiwoong asked, wide-eyed. He had obviously not understood what Matthew was hinting at. Heck, he didn't even look at Matthew while he was talking—a typical situation for people who get distracted by everything.

"No way!" Yujin yelled as TaeRae shook his head with a smile.

"She's just piling up all the information; we're going to be the ones to manage the updating part," TaeRae said, gesturing to himself and the other members of the Student Council.

"Wise choice." Ricky said, grinning.

"Mmh-hm. Anyway, Zhang Hao, would you like to come with me to the computer lab? I would need some help convincing Miss Min to help us," Taerae said with a smile. Zhang Hao looked around, unsure whether he should go or not. Taerae, sensing his hesitation, panicked lightly before quickly saying, "And besides, you're also one of the new students we have very little information about. So I'm going to need you there to fill out the detail form."

Taerae was an excellent liar when he had to be. He had the most convincing look along with a believable face, which added to the reason why Zhang Hao ended up giving in, nodding his head in a slight 'yes'. Taerae momentarily glanced at Gunwook so as to say, 'Fill me in on the details later'.

Gunwook blinked his eyes once to indicate approval as Taerae started walking in the opposite direction, with Zhang Hao trailing behind him.

"So, what is it?" Ricky asked, getting impatient.

"You guys won't believe it!" Matthew said cautiously, "Hanbin Hyung has found out something about Yoon Jae-Yun that's pretty chilling."

"What is it, and where is Hanbin Hyung anyway?" Gyuvin asked with arms crossed, annoyed that Matthew was delaying it out.

"Hanbin Hyung is with Firestone right now."

"Firestone? The hacker? His family's hacker?" Yujin whispered, confused. At this point, everyone around Matthew had furrowed eyebrows and squinted eyes.

Firestone was one of the best hackers in the country and had been working under Hanbin's family for years. Although Hanbin's family didn't need him officially, there were times when his help had gone a long way for the entire family. He was adopted by the Sung family at a young age, which is why he stayed loyal and determined to work under the people who saved and sheltered him all those years ago. In fact, he and Hanbin were great friends, but despite all that, it was still unsettling why Hanbin would look for a hacker in the middle of school hours.

"Yes, he has done some spying around on his own and found out that Yoon Jae-Yun—that guy—

He has a criminal record."


A criminal record? Ouch, what has he done before he had his eyes set on Zhang Hao, or was it after he injured Zhang Hao?

What has he been convicted of before?

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