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"I need you to collect information on Zhang Hao -his past, present, everything- and hand it over to me by today evening, get it?" an anonymous man spoke on the phone as the person on the other side mumbled something in response sounding to be a 'yes'.

"I'll make sure you regret the day you were born, Zhang Hao." the man said, holding the phone tightly, indicating his rage - but why is he angry?

"Hyung, did you see Zhang Hao anywhere? Matthew?" Hanbin asked desperately after the dispersal bell rang. He was in a rushed state with a bag slung over his shoulder and kept glancing at his watch.

Jiwoong and Matthew who were abruptly stopped by the panicked guy looked at each other, unsure. 

"Uh- not after the incident at the rooftop." Jiwoong answered.

Hanbin looked at Matthew hoping he knew, but was disappointed when met with a negative response as Matthew shook his head. He sadly looked down, feeling disheartened.

"President!" someone called as Hanbin sighed before looking up, recognizing the voice. 

"Yes, Iseul?" he asked tiredly, not wanting to deal with any other matter then.

Han Iseul was a member of the School Student Council, one of the most respected members along with Hanbin at that. She was everything anyone would want; pretty, helpful, kind and caring. In addition, she was extremely focused and made sure to do something when told rather than putting it off for later like the others would do.

"Zhang Hao asked me to find you and tell you to meet him at the school shed, Prez!" hearing her, Hanbin's eyes widened, lighting up as he took in her words.

"Wait- where again?" he asked, getting ready to run right then and there.

"The school shed." Iseul said, blinking her eyes in surprise, being taken aback by her fellow student's enthusiasm. "Oh, also, Prez, I need your sign on a couple of forms from-"

But before she could finish her sentence, Hanbin had fled, running like a crazy man through the corridor, barely dodging the students who were rushing to get to their classes.

"President!" Iseul yelled but it was of no use. Matthew and Jiwoong looked at each other and shook their heads as Iseul turned to them. "Why is he in such a rush?" she asked to which they shrugged, nonchalantly.

"Hanbin..." he heard a voice call him as he rushed into the shed, startling the person with his presence. 

"Zhang Hao! Hyung, listen-" Hanbin began, tripping over his own words but he stopped when Zhang Hao shook his head, in a way to silence him. 

"Don't say anything..." he whispered.

"No hyung, I don't want you to misunderstand me. I was-" but this time he was shushed by Zhang Hao who had walked over to Hanbin and had placed his index finger over the former's lips.

Hanbin stared wide-eyed at Zhang Hao who stared back at him with the same unspoken emotion in both of their eyes.

"Don't clarify anything. I know it..." Zhang Hao said slowly, "I was just surprised and over-reacted; I'm sorry, Hanbin-ah..." 

Hanbin slowly blinked, not finding words to comfort his hyung. Instead of saying anything, he slowly leaned forward, extending his arms to wrap around Zhang Hao slowly. Zhang Hao, who was surprised with the sudden skin-ship, took only a moment to collect his thoughts before hugging back. 

None of them spoke anything, but the silence spoke a thousand words. One hug was all that was needed for them to let go of their thoughts and sincerely embrace the other, not just physically but also mentally. 

"I'm sorry, hyung..." Hanbin slowly said, not letting go of the hug.

Zhang Hao pulled back, now holding Hanbin's hands who reluctantly let go of him, "it's fine, Hanbin-ah. You don't have to apologize to me...I should be sorry for reacting aggressively. I should have known that you wouldn't do anything to hurt me...ever..."

Hanbin shook his head, closing his eyes and whispering 'it's okay' over and over again.

Upon opening his eyes again, he found Zhang Hao looking at him deeply. He found himself letting go of all conscious control of his body as he leaned in, fluttering his eyes shut in the process. He himself didn't realize what he was doing or going to do - all he knew was what he wanted and needed at that time. 

Zhang Hao, surprised, didn't move back or show any rejection to Hanbin's advance. His eyes fluttered shut too as he started leaning in too. 

Their lips collided and it was like the world stopped. The only thing that the both of them could feel was the taste of each other's lips on their own. Hanbin initiated it by beginning to move his lips softly over Zhang Hao's as the latter followed the other's lead.

The silence at that moment was everything that was wanted. Their minds were lost in a haze and all they could think about was the feeling they felt at the moment.

Butterflies, millions of them.

'And you only get butterflies with your soulmate - your destined other' Zhang Hao thought, his lips moving faster at the thought.

"Well, well, look at what I'm seeing!" someone said, and the sound of a loud clap followed by some others were heard as the pair quickly broke up, whipping their heads so fast, to look at the intruder.

Hanbin exhaled a sigh of relief, rolling his eyes in frustration as he lazily looked at his friends, who were standing at the entrance of the shed with a teasing smirk on their faces.

"What are you guys here for?" Hanbin asked, annoyed.

"Oh my god- he's annoyed, guys!" Ricky said, cackling mischievously. 

"On a more serious note, however, Iseul asked me to pass this to you." Gyuvin said.

"Couldn't it have waited? I was going to come back to class anyway and we also have a student council meeting today," Hanbin said.

"It's important and rather serious, Hanbin hyung. It's be better if you take a look at it right away..." Gyuvin muttered.

"What's it about?" Hanbin asked, taking the papers from Gyuvin before reading it.

"It's about...the new transferee." Hanbin's hands stopped and his eyes enlarged as Gyuvin completed his sentence, "Yoon Jae-Yun..."


Sorry for being so irregular guys! I'm trying; I just can't find time for anything...I'll try my best though!

I'm so sorry!

CAUTION: Love Ahead! | HAOBIN |Where stories live. Discover now