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"Hao hyung, I couldn't question it then but what really did Nurse Seunghee mean?" asked Hanbin to Zhang Hao, who was extremely silent the whole time after his small escape from the furious lady.

They were heading to their class, which was already halfway over by then. They were out of earshot of any student or teacher as the hallways were empty which reduced the risk of the important conversation being overheard.

"It's nothing. Don't worry about it." came Zhang Hao's reply but Hanbin wasn't satisfied.

"It must've been something really sensitive seeing that you ran even though your legs were hurt. How did you even pull off that one?" he pressured.

"I said it's nothing," Zhang Hao said, raising his voice. He looked frustrated while at the same time, undeniably sad.

"Listen Hao hyung, I know you might not want to talk about it but it's better than keeping everything to yourself." Hanbin said. This time, it wasn't his curiosity that was causing him to ask Zhang Hao to open up but rather his care for the elder.

No matter how much he denied it himself, he couldn't help but feel different whenever his Hao hyung was near. He felt special whenever he was with his hyung.

The anger that surged through him when he saw Zhang Hao in that condition, lying on the floor, looking helpless had triggered him to no end. He had made a mental note to give HyunJun a punishment that he would not forget for life.

"Hyung, listen!" Hanbin called after the older male who had started to walk away already.

"Hanbin-ah, maybe after I'm comfortable enough with you, I'll be willing to open up more. But, not now," Zhang Hao said, looking at Hanbin's face which was quite close to his because he had suddenly turned around.

Because of the close proximity, Hanbin's heart began to beat faster and so did Zhang Hao's. His eyes went down to the other male's lips before meeting his eyes again. 

On the other hand, Zhang Hao's eyes widened as he observed Hanbin moving even closer to his face, probably carried away. 

Hanbin leant even closer, his lips just centimeters away. He softly brushed his lips against the older male's cheek - a physical contact that sent shivers down Zhang Hao's back. They were letting their hormones control their body. Hanbin held Zhang Hao's waist firmly, pushing him gently until his back hit the lockers. He lifted the other male's hands on his either sides and pinned him onto the lockers. The atmosphere was getting heated as the both of them were lost in each other's eyes. 

Hanbin leaned into the older's lips, almost kissing him. 

But before he could, a shrill sound rang in the hallway. Both of their eyes widened, finally getting back to their senses, looking at the position they were in and immediately separated, avoiding eye contact. 

With the sound of the bell, students started rushing out to go to their next class as Hanbin and Zhang Hao still stood there, awkward than ever before.

"Yo-" paused Ricky who approached the two but noticed the tension in the air. He skipped his gaze suspiciously between the two blushing males before confirming his suspicion as true, whatever that was. "Uh- Hanbin, we have the next class together. What about Zhang Hao?"

"Same schedule," Hanbin managed to breath out shakily, increasing Ricky's suspicion.

"Let's go together then!" Ricky exclaimed, hooking his arm with Hanbin's and holding Zhang Hao's hand using his other hand. "Ay- stop being so tensed both of you." he said, rolling his eyes before pulling the both of them along.

"Careful! Hao hyung is still injured!" Hanbin reminded as Ricky slowed down his pace and stopped tugging at Zhang Hao's hand, instead holding it gently.

CAUTION: Love Ahead! | HAOBIN |Where stories live. Discover now