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Zhang Hao stood still, already expecting this question, but did not give an answer. He had by now confirmed exactly why Jae-Yun was back.

And it wasn't a good reason.

This just meant that everyone would be in danger until Jae-Yun got his hands on the pen drive. And knowing Jae-Yun, he was the guy who would go to any extent to get what he wanted. 

Jae-Yun clicked his tongue in annoyance at the lack of response. He wasn't a very patient guy, and the fact that Zhang Hao was delaying it only added fuel to the fire.

"Well?" he asked again, but to no avail. Rolling his eyes, he raised his hand, getting ready to hit the frightened boy if that was all it took to get him to answer. 

Flinching, Zhang Hao closed his eye and took a step back, ready to take the hit. Jae-Yun swung his hand, but just as it was about to touch Zhang Hao's cheek, a hand caught it.

Zhang Hao, having felt nothing except a breeze of cool air, opened his eyes only to see that Hanbin had saved him from getting hit. His heart warmed up as he stared at Hanbin with grateful eyes.

Hanbin, who was burning holes into Jae-Yun, glanced at Zhang Hao, and the state of the older male broke him. His anger knew no bounds, but he knew better than to act out. He had to time it out so that he wouldn't give in to any sort of provocation from Jae-Yun. 

He had to remain calm to get what he wanted.

"What do you think you're doing?" Hanbin asked in a composed voice that hinted at anger. "Violence is not allowed, don't you know?" he said with firmness in his voice. Something about this side of Hanbin was different, even from when he tried to protect Zhang Hao from Hyun-Jun.

This Hanbin seemed to be rule-abiding but, at the same time, willing to do anything to protect someone. His appearance was average but something in his voice made Zhang Hao feel secure. He felt butterflies looking at Hanbin's hand that still tightly clutched onto Jae-Yun's hand which was now going red. He was thankful that someone he could rely on was there with him at the moment he needed him the most.

But this interruption did nothing to tame the ever-so-angry Jae-Yun.

"Get lost." Jae-Yun said, annoyed at being interrupted.

"I won't." Hanbin said, shoving the other male's hand away as Jae-Yun clutched at his reddening hand. "Get away from him first." he said, coming in between Zhang Hao and Jae-Yun, acting as a barrier.

"What will you do if I don't, huh?" Jae-Yun mocked with a sinister smile, moving a step closer to him from the side.

"I hope you're well aware that I'm the President of the Student Council. All it takes is for me to report you to the authorities-"

"-Who will take my side." Jae-Yun said, completing Hanbin's sentence, making it known that no matter what happened, the higher-ups would always choose the side with more money and power. He scoffed and said, "Do you think you can still hold on to that little 'President' title of yours after I'm done with you?!"

This mockery went straight through Hanbin, as he paid no attention to the threats.

"No, so get lost. You don't want to mess with me."

Hanbin merely shook his head with an incurious smile. He knew that if this conversation kept going, it could lead to both of them fighting. Therefore, he wisely changed the topic, hoping to keep a clash at bay.

"Why are you still after Zhang Hao after all these years?" he calmly asked.

"That's none of your business." Jae-Yun spoke loudly, his violent demeanor starting to show as he took a step closer to Hanbin in a threatening manner.

Nonetheless, Hanbin kept bugging him, hoping to get something useful out of him while preventing a fight.

"I've never seen you talk to anyone else since you got here. Where are your friends? I heard you used to have a gang that you led..." Hanbin softly said.

"Shut up, I said!" Jae-Yun yelled. Hanbin knew that he had almost gotten to him when Jae-Yun moved a few steps back. "Stop being nosy!" he rebelled, rage lacing his voice as he tried to get a clear view of his surroundings, which was becoming increasingly difficult due to his eyes being clouded over.

He wasn't crying; he wouldn't.

He was angry—angry enough to strike.

"I've also read through your past activities and involvements. They were pretty wild, I admit, but now you seem to be going only after Zhang Hao and no one else. Why?" Hanbin asked.

"Why the hell are you trying to get yourself involved between us?!" Jae-Yun angrily asked, taking a hold of Hanbin's collar and shaking him in a rough manner.

Hanbin, however, was unfazed as he stared at the raging boy with no emotion. "Because as the president and as Zhang Hao's friend, it is my responsibility to take care of and ensure the safety of every student in this school," he said.

At this, Jae-Yun let a derisive laugh slip while saying,

"Well, you won't be holding on to that position of yours for long, Mr. President!"


No! What does Jae-Yun plan on doing?!

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