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"It's his file-" Matthew said, "-for the Track Record, hyung." 

Hanbin looked up at him questioningly, wondering why he was receiving it before the student even joined.

"Why are we being given his information before he has even started attending school again?" he asked suspiciously, raising both his eyebrows. "Heck, I haven't even gotten Zhang Hao's file yet!"

Usually, information about the new student was handed to the Student Council a few days after the student had started attending school. Along with referring to their ID, which was issued on the first day of school, their file was also important to confirm particulars before noting it down in the Track Record.

Matthew shook his head, muttering an almost inaudible 'I don't know'. Hanbin's eyes scanned through the rest of them who collectively shook their heads, responding similar to Matthew.

"Did Iseul give this to you?" Hanbin asked as Gunwook nodded. "I'll have a word with her then. Zhang Hao hyung, " Hanbin called, sounding serious, "go back to class with the others. You only have fifteen more minutes left of class anyway."

Zhang Hao nodded. He had been hearing the whole conversation and was not in the least surprised to hear that his ex-boyfriend was coming back for he had already overheard their conversation that afternoon. Nevertheless, he was still alarmed about the news and dreaded the thought of facing Jae-Yun again.

"We'll take him to class, Hanbin-ah. You can go to Iseul right away!" Gyuvin said, gesturing Zhang Hao to come to them which he did.

"Before that, Hanbin, Taerae hyung wanted me to ask you if you were going to come to the Student Council meeting today? You didn't show up yesterday," Matthew said as Hanbin frowned, a puzzled look crossing his face before he realized that he was with Zhang Hao that day before after dispersal time.

"I'll be there, Matthew." he reassured.

"Also, hyung, when will the meeting end?" Ricky asked.

"We've only got to discuss the news students' transfer so it'll probably only take an hour or so." Hanbin said, "why?"

"Gunwook can give us the keys to his home then. You guys can come after the meeting; we'll go directly to his house for the- you know..." Ricky trailed off, side-eyeing Zhang Hao.

Hanbin nodded, "Alright. Gunwook?"

"Fine with me. The keys are in my bag -front zip- you can take it. I'm not going back to class just yet. I have been given a duty by Miss. Sam!" he groaned, half-annoyed.

The others, excluding Zhang Hao, giggled as they knew what was in store for Gunwook. Miss. Sam was the craziest teacher in the school, and possibly even known to humankind. She was known to be ruthless with assigning duties and overworking students.

"What a luck! Miss. Sam has given us a hell lot of load for submission within two days. She doesn't consider us as children anymore; just a bunch of stupid donkeys at this point!" Yu-jin said, rolling his eyes as Zhang Hao let out a chuckle.

"Well, let's get going now," Matthew said, grabbing Zhang Hao's arm and walking towards the main building.

"Iseul!" Hanbin called as he entered the library. A head, the only person in the big room, peeked out from under a book with recognizable features.

"Oh, prez!" Iseul called out, smiling brightly with her dimples, "How can I help you?" she said, standing up.

Hanbin smiled in response before saying, "It's regarding the new student; Yoon Jae-Yun. Why have we got his file before he has started attending school?" 

"Oh, it's because all his data has already been sorted out already, Prez, because he used to be a student of this school." Iseul replied, adding to Hanbin's confusion.

"What about Zhang Hao then? He used to be a student here too...We ought to have his data from his previous records already but I haven't received it yet and it's been a week!"

Iseul furrowed her eyebrows before saying, "Zhang Hao? The new suicidal guy? I've heard a lot about him."

Hanbin folded his arms and stared at her without uttering a word, causing her to regain her senses before responding, "Well, Zhang Hao's father was late to fill out the forms at the office. I heard that Jae-Yun's parents were in a rush to get him admission into the school- that's probably the reason," she said, shrugging.

"Do you know why? And how is it even possible to speed up the admission process? As far as I know, it takes you months to get into the school!"

"I have no idea, Prez, but let me tell you one thing..." she said, moving closer to him to look him directly in the eye before giving Hanbin a warning, "I know you know this too, probably even better than me, but that boy is trouble. Don't meddle around too much with him. Consider this an advice from a fellow student..." 

"Who are you talking about?" Hanbin asked, wondering if she was talking about Zhang Hao. If she was, then that would be the second time he received such a warning, the first being Mina.

"Yoon Jae-Yun. Although I know that this might come off as answer to how he got admission this quick, I'll still say it. 

He is the grandson of the Head of the School; meaning he assumes much greater power than any of us which makes him even more dangerous, not just for us but especially for Zhang Hao..." she said, before quickly walking away, not giving Hanbin a chance to question why she mentioned Zhang Hao's name.


Does Iseul know something? Why did she connect Zhang Hao with Yoon Jae-Yun otherwise? Does she know of the plot or is she just acting?

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