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Despite feeling fiercely angry, Hanbin couldn't do anything at that moment except for prying HyunJun off the weak body of the older male. 

He was angry - yes, most definitely. But being the school president, he had some rules to abide by and obviously, one of them included no fighting. He was the role model of other students, so if he started displaying violence then the others might think it was okay to act that way and would follow his steps - which he didn't want.

So, the only option in front of him was to handle the situation non-violently.

"Stop it, HyunJun!" Hanbin exclaimed, his arms wrapped around the bully's waist, trying to pull him back from attacking the other boy again. "HyunJun, what is this behavior?!" he yelled, as he struggled with holding back the bully who was as mad as a raging bull.

HyunJun was a muscular man, and it was obvious looking at Hanbin's efforts to hold him back.

"HyunJun, piss off!" an authoritative voice was heard.

There, in all his eternal glory, stood Kim Jiwoong, the bully hunter.

"Stay out of this Kim; it's none of your business." HyunJun growled, still staring at the fragile boy with anger. 

"It actually is." Jiwoong stated. "As a matter of fact, anything involving Hanbin is my business. Hanbin might not be able to fight back due to his position, but I have too many detentions under my name to even care." he said, his voice growing more threatening with every progressive second.

HyunJun laughed mockingly, "You don't care? I doubt that, ex-president!" he said with force.

Kim Jiwoong, popularly known as the bully hunter, was earlier a member of the Student Council, the body's president to be more precise. He was removed from his post because of violation of rules on his part in the past. 

He had gone as far as to beat a guy while he was still the president. Granted, the guy had it coming. He had bullied Matthew, his closest friend, to the point where Matthew cried to him about it. But bully or not, the rule clearly states that the representatives of the Council must never resort to violence and he had failed to keep it up.

Therefore, he was removed, despite united opposition of the students. 

The higher-ups still had more power, didn't they?

The school didn't function as a democracy anyway.

So, in the end, Jiwoong had to give up his position and he chose to give it to Hanbin, who at that time was still pretty new to the school. It had only been two months since he had joined but since he was already the topper by then, the higher-ups agreed to give the position to him.

"Oh, I guess I can show you that I don't care-" he said, cutting his own sentence short as he proceeded to lay a hard punch on the other's face, the sound of his fist colliding with HyunJun's cheekbones being pretty loud. 

The force of the punch caused the bully to fall back, as he held his cheek in pain, crying out.

"Hanbin, get the new student out of here. I'll take care of this," Jiwoong said, rolling up his sleeves, sending murderous glares towards HyunJun.

"But hyung, you'll get into more trouble!" Hanbin said, trying to convince Jiwoong not to fight, but the older was very firm.

"Don't make me repeat my words." he said sternly as Hanbin sighed before complying with his hyung's command.

He helped Zhang Hao to his feet before slowly guiding him through the door. 

"Hao hyung, I'll help you to the nurse," Hanbin said, and without waiting for a reply he began leading the way to the nurse's office, having a tight grip on the injured male's arms.

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