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"A new day, a new way, but somehow I feel like it will be exhausting and burdensome today." Gunwook said, rolling his eyes as their discussion from the previous day crossed his mind.

It was hard to digest the fact that a potentially dangerous student was going to be a part of their prestigious school. Other than the fact that he was a threat, the fact that he had connections within the school management made his character more chilling—he could get away with anything if he wanted, even murder.

"Don't even mention." Matthew replied with the same disinterest. "But I am also looking forward to the new guy; what if he has changed and become better or something?" he asked, head tilting in curiosity.

Gunwook sighed, shaking his head at Matthew, who only tried to see the good in people and expected everyone to be an angel sent from heaven. His character was positive and cheerful, and as much as it didn't need to be said, he was innocent and uncritical.

"Naive, in one word." Gunwook said, locking eyes with Taerae, who cycled up to them, slamming the brakes and stopping just in time to avoid hitting another student who passed in front of him, appearing to be in a rush.

"I'm sorry," he apologized as the student shook his head, saying that it was okay. "Where's Yunjin? I promised to let him have some of my previous notes for reference."

"He's in the library. He insisted on coming early to collect materials for exam preparation." Matthew replied.

This wasn't unusual; Yunjin was a diligent and hardworking person. Additionally, he was the best out of the lot and was looked up to by juniors. If someone ever needed Yunjin, they just needed to head to the library or study room; he'd be there.

"And Hanbin and Zhang Hao?"

"They haven't arrived yet. Hanbin offered to give Zhang Hao a ride to school; that's probably why he is being held up." Gunwook answered shortly, right before he, along with Matthew, was tackled into a groovy hug by Gyuvin and Rivcky, who appeared out of nowhere.

"You scared me!" Matthew squeaked, clutching his chest with scared eyes.

"Hehe." Gyuvin giggled before wishing them, "Hey guys. Where's Hanbin?"

"Not yet arrived," Taerae simply replied as Gyuvin groaned in frustration.


"I received a call a few minutes ago from Ms. Lea. She asked me to be present at the Priniciple's office to welcome...the new student..." Gyuvin said it with great annoyance. "I just thought that if Hanbin were here, he could go instead. He is also so much better at controlling his nerves."

Upon hearing this, Matthew, Gunwook, and Taerae exchanged glances, unsure.

"He...already arrived?" Taerae asked slowly.

"It seems like it."

"He isn't supposed to be here until later, though. New students aren't allowed this early; they have tons of procedures to go through on the first day before meeting the principal."Taerae said, holding his head in exasperation.

"Did you try calling Hanbin?" asked Matthew.

Gyuvin shook his head before saying, "Not yet; I didn't have time. I rushed over with Ricky as soon as I ended the call." He ruffled his hair. "What should I do?"

"I don't think you have any schools." Taerae said in displeasure, "Just go. Keep an eye out, though; don't fall for anything he says."Taerae took on the duty of vice president in the absence of the president, and whatever he said, everyone did. It was like his words held some reassurance and comfort for people to follow along so naturally.

Gyuvin nodded, still hesitant, before sending everyone a wave and sprinting off in the direction of the main building.

"Alright students, we have a new admission in our class. Let's welcome him." The homeroom teacher announced this as everyone sat on the edge of their seats, expectantly.

There was a bet about whether it would be a girl or boy, and the informal votes were tied at 19 each. Everyone was anticipating the new student—everyone except one, maybe two.

Hanbin took Zhang Hao's hand and squeezed it comfortingly.

"Don't worry, Hao Hyung. I have promised to keep you safe, haven't I? I'll make sure to see that promise through to the end." he said firmly, trying to calm his deskmate's nerves and ease the way his fingers were tightly pressed into the palm.

And just as the door opened and the sound of footsteps echoed into the classroom, Zhang Hao lowered his head. Hanbin, who noticed this, softly patted his hand.

The whole class gasped as the person made himself clear to the class. With just his side profile, as he walked to the center of the class, he stunned everyone. Many because of his beauty, while others because they knew him as an ex-student.

Some also knew him for other reasons, not that they mentioned anything.

"Introduce yourself," the teacher said.

The boy raised his head, his eyes scanning through the class, only to stop at a particular boy who had his ear hung low in hopes of not getting recognized. The new student's eyes glimmered as a faint, almost invisible smirk appeared on his face.

In that particular moment, Hanbin felt himself looking—not at a normal student but instead at a cunning criminal-minded psychopath. The way his eyes lit up and his lips twisted into a freaky smile was enough evidence to prove that he was not all he portrayed.

And just as he introduced himself, "My name is Jae-Yun. Yoon Jae-Yun"—Hanbin met his eyes, only to shiver from the greed and hate that remained unexpressed behind his double eyelids.

His eyes moved to the boy next to Hanbin, and just as the teacher commanded him to sit himself anywhere he wanted, Hanbin caught that faint glint in his eyes, one that said,

"I found you; there's no escape now."

It looked like the psychopath had finally found his target after years of unquenched bloodthirst.


What do you guys think?

I'll update more often from now...our Christmas vacations are starting and although I still have a pretty cramped up schedule, even for the holidays, I promise an update either every day or every other day. 

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