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"What is it?" Zhang Hao asked, starting to get conscious.

"I was asked to keep it a secret, hyung." Hanbin said, but looking at the fear on Zhang Hao's face, he felt the need to clarify and not keep the older male scared, "I mean, it's not necessarily bad, so don't be too afraid. It's just a notice from someone, a letter that arrived at the school office." Hanbin said, swinging a hand over Zhang Hao's shoulder and pulling him away from the place with Matthew still standing there, gaping at the couple's back.

"Are they...dating...?" he whispered, biting his lip to contain his excitement.

One Week Later...

"What is it really, Hanbin?" Zhang Hao asked, stopping suddenly, turning around to face Hanbin, who was walking along with him, looking to be deep in thoughts.

One week had passed with Hanbin looking constantly worried and stressed about something he wasn't willing to let out to anyone, especially Zhang Hao.

Considering his personality, Zhang Hao naturally got curious as well as annoyed that something related to him was being kept a secret from him. He kept pestering Hanbin throughout the week but Hanbin was stern on keeping his mouth shut.

Hanbin visibly gulped at the gentle physical contact, looking straight into Zhang Hao's ocean-deep brownish-black eyes that seemed to put him under a spell, as always.

"It's nothing, hyung. Trust me; I'll tell you about it when the time is right." he said. "Now, let's get back to class. The bell is about to ring!" Hanbin said, turning his head away and walking down the hallway, leaving a worried Zhang Hao behind.

"President!" someone called out loud as Hanbin paused.

"Yes, Mina?" he greeted politely as the girl squealed, probably happy that one of the most famous guys' in the school knew her name.

She cleared her throat, struggling to keep a straight face, as she said, "I'm in charge of collecting names for the inter-school competitions, and Gunwook said that you have the list, so I was wondering if you could hand it over. I promise to give it back before recess."

"What do you need the list for?" Hanbin questioned, raising his eyebrows.

"I'm taking a copy of it and marking the names rather than noting it down individually," she replied.

"But if you do that, the new students won't be able to participate in anything because their names have not yet been added to the list!" Hanbin denied.

"I know that President, but the school management has made their decision. I don't have an opinion on this matter." Mina said.

'The school management? Why would they do that?' Hanbin thought.

"President, if I were you, I'd be a bit more careful around that guy," she said, nodding towards Zhang Hao, standing someway behind Hanbin, not knowing the way to class. "He's trouble!"

"Why do you say that?" Hanbin asked, half-concerned.

"I don't think I'm allowed to talk about this. I don't think I was even allowed to listen in on their conversation, but it seems like the school management is not very fond of the new boy. They were talking about having him expelled or something like that." she said, causing Hanbin to stare at her in shock.

"And you found this out by eavesdropping?" he asked.

"Yeah, I was asked to come to the office room to collect the new students' files and heard that guy's name being mentioned. I was curious, so I stayed back to listen more, but I wish I hadn't. I heard some pretty alarming things..." she trailed off, appearing to shiver at the thought of it.

"Which is...?" Hanbin said in hopes that Mina would not deny spilling more secrets so that he could know the situation better.

"I don't know, President. I don't wanna get into trouble," she said, looking around.

Hanbin quickly understood what she was meant to say and nodded. He turned back to where Zhang Hao was standing a little away, not knowing where to go.

"Hao hyung, why don't you head to class first? The bell is going to ring in a few minutes, and you'll get in trouble with the teacher if you're late," he said.

Zhang Hao looked at him unsurely and asked, "But what about you?"

"The teacher might let me off since I am on duty, but she wouldn't let you go without detention!" Hanbin confirmed with a slight smile.

Zhang Hao nodded.

"Great, I'll have someone help you to get to class," Hanbin said, stopping a random student who had just wished him and was about to pass him. "Hello, would you mind showing Zhang Hao his class? He's new..."

The student widened his eyes and immediately nodded.

"Thank you," Hanbin said as he eyed Zhang Hao to follow the student who had started walking ahead.

He turned back to the female, Mina, and gestured with his hand to follow him to the rooftop.

"So, what is it?" Hanbin directly asked, unable to control himself, feeling extremely concerned and worked up.

No matter how much he tried to deny it, he couldn't help feeling protective and alert around Zhang Hao. He also couldn't help the feelings that he had developed for the Chinese male within less than a day.

"Well, the school management seemed to be discussing the boy's past. I heard he tried to jump to his death, but I don't think that's true." Mina said, hands on her hip.

"Why do you say that?" Hanbin asked.

"The boy looked extremely cowardly, and it just seems extremely unlikely to me that he would find it in himself to take such an extreme step, no matter what the situation be." she said to which Hanbin made a 'done' face.

"Okay, okay, President, I was just joking. But, on a more serious note, they seemed to be talking about the boy who pushed Zhang Hao..." Mina whispered, moving closer to Hanbin, her voice lower than average.

Hanbin stared at her, wide-eyed and shocked, before asking, "So, it's true that he was pushed?"

"It seems so, President. However, the description of the boy doesn't sound like just an average boy to me. They said he had eyes the color of the sea; deep blue with a tint of light green."

With these words, Hanbin closed his eyes as sudden flashbacks hit him one after the other.

"Well, I'm not sure about it, but he said he was pushed...by some strange green-eyed man."

"That green-eyed man...that I said who pushed me...I met him here for the first time. He betrayed me, but it hurts all the more because...he was...my boyfriend."

"But, Hao Hyung said he had green eyes? Not multicolored?" he found himself questioning.

"I don't know anything about that, President. But I heard something pretty alarming!" Hanbin nodded, urging her to continue, and she did.

"I heard that that person is an old student and is coming back! It can't be the sign of anything good!"


Mina is right! How can it be good?!

But what about this man is so shocking and alarming that even the calmest person ever, Hanbin, had such an unexpected and violent reaction in the next chapter?

Stay tuned to find out!

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