Chapter 5

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Previously on Scars of the Past -

Griphook nodded at him before they all began chanting.

Their chants soon begin to get louder and louder and thick purple waves of magic coming from those circular markings envelop him in a cocoon and everything goes blank. Silent. Black. Pitch Black. Harry can't seem to hear anything. Slowly but steadily, he sees the light. Faint wisps of it. And then,

"MR POTTER! Snap back to reality" said Griphook shaking his shoulders.

"Yeah! Yeah, I'm okay, I'm oh-kay" replied Harry drawing in a huge breath.

"You didn't even scream!" said one of the goblins in astonishment "This is an excruciating process!"

"It was fine," said Harry, he wasn't about to tell these goblins that he was used to it from the Dursleys.

Harry thanked the goblins and returned to the burrow where he was questioned immediately on arrival by Mrs Weasley."Where were you?" she asked

"I was talking to the manager. He realized who I was and wanted to talk" Harry used the lying skills that he'd gained from living with the Dursleys. It seemed to flow from his mouth like a waterfall. 

Mrs Weasley seemed to accept that excuse and let him go. He had almost finished walking up the stairs when she called out "Harry! Professor Dumbledore said that he'd be here in about 3 more hours. You have to go back to your aunt and uncle's house. He told me to inform you so that you have enough time to pack."

Harry nodded and went to the room that he was sharing with Ron. Even if he had known about it, doesn't mean that it still didn't hurt. 'Even though Mrs Weasley was a bit much, this is heaven compared to the Dursleys. Fred and George, I would miss them so much, they are like real brothers to me and have stuck by my side since my first year even during the Triwizard tournament when Ron had broken his friendship with me due to jealousy. Even Charlie and Bill, both of them are so nice to me, but they are rarely here. But why?'

This was the first time he had given a thought to that topic – Why were the two eldest children of the Weasley family so rarely home? The only reason he could remember was that Mrs Weasley had gotten into an argument with Fleur and called her something extremely rude so she and Bill had packed their stuff and left. 

'What problem does she have with Fleur? She was always so sweet to everybody during the Triwizard tournament. I haven't seen her being rude to anyone or talking behind their backs?'

As for Charlie, the last time he was here, Mrs Weasley had forcefully cut his hair saying that he wasn't looking good which was not true at all. Charlie was looking hot! Smoking hot! If he hadn't been so older than him, Harry would have asked him out on a date. 

Harry shook his head, pushing all these thoughts aside. He needed to pack and so he did. He was done packing and had checked over three times if he was forgetting something when he heard Dumbledore's voice greeting Mr Weasley as he opened the door. 

Harry lifted his trunk and climbed down the stairs.

"Hold on tight" was all Dumbledore said, before handing out his arm to Harry who grabbed on and they apparated inside their house. 

'Isn't this also using magic in front of muggles? So why isn't Dumbledore getting letters from the ministry for trials? Why was I given that special treatment when I had only tried to save my life?' he thought

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