Chapter 40

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Previously on Scars of the Past -
The highlight of the weekend, however, awaited them in Remus Lupin's office. A lunchtime gathering, where the unlikely quartet of Draco, Harry, Remus, and Severus found themselves seated around a cluttered desk, laden with an array of mismatched dishes.

The air was thick with tension, but the source was not immediately apparent. Snape, with his trademark scowl, eyed Lupin's disorganized workspace with thinly veiled disdain. "Merlin, Lupin, can't you keep your office in some semblance of order? It's like a breeding ground for chaos."

Remus, his eyes twinkling mischievously, retorted, "Chaos has its own charm, Severus. Not everyone can appreciate the beauty of disorder."

"Beauty? I would hardly call this chaos beautiful. It's a disgrace to the term. And what is it that you are eating?" retorted Severus.

"Chocolate" was all Remus said.

"Before lunch?" Severus raised an incredulous eyebrow.

"A little dark chocolate before lunch makes lunch a lot tastier," said Remus in an arid tone, as if dictating from a book.

"Milk chocolate is better" replied Severus.

"No. It is not" replied a very offended-looking Remus Lupin.

"Yes. It is." Asserted Severus, just as calmly as before.

"You know, Severus," Remus began, his voice carrying a mischievous tone, "dark chocolate truly is the superior choice. It's complex, sophisticated—a symphony of flavours dancing on the palate."

Snape, on the other hand, was meticulously sipping his tea, his expression unyielding. "Nonsense. Milk chocolate is the epitome of indulgence. Sweet and creamy."

Draco and Harry exchanged glances, trying to suppress their laughter as the debate intensified. Snape leaned back, a twinkle in his eyes. "Remus, some things are meant to be bitter, like certain potions, alcohol, coffee and life's challenges. But chocolate? It's not one of them."

Remus raised an eyebrow, retorting, "Bitterness has its own appeal. It sharpens the senses, distinguishes the mediocre from the exceptional."

The argument escalated into a playful volley of words, with each professor defending their chocolate preference with unwavering conviction. Draco and Harry, thoroughly entertained, exchanged amused glances as they marvelled at the absurdity of two accomplished wizards as they passionately debated over chocolate.

The lunch continued and the atmosphere in Remus Lupin's office remained light-hearted.

As the weekend drew to a close, a palpable sense of reluctance settled over Draco and Harry. The imminent return to the confines of classes loomed like a shadow, casting a bittersweet tinge to the final moments of their respite.

 The imminent return to the confines of classes loomed like a shadow, casting a bittersweet tinge to the final moments of their respite

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